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Bratilova Nataliya Petrovna

Bratilova Nataliya Petrovna

Bratilova Nataliya Petrovna, born 02 August, 1969. Graduated from the Siberian Institute of Technology (at the present time – M. F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University), Faculty of Forestry, with a specialty "Forestry Engineer" (1991), postgraduate studies at the Department of Forest Crops in the Siberian Institute of Technology (1995), D.Sc. studies at the Department of Selection and Landscape Gardening, Faculty of Forestry, Siberian State University of Technology (2006). Doctor of Agricultural Sciences in "Forest Planting, Selection and Seed Growing" (2006), Professor (2008), Head for the Department of Selection and Landscape GardeningFaculty of ForestryM. F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University (2011). Specialist in forest selection, and forest seed growing. Author and co-author of more than 190 papers, and 9 books. Some of them: "The Structure of Stone Pines' Phytomass in the Plantation Crops", Krasnoyarsk, 1998; "The Impact of Planting Material Quality, Agricultural Technology of Cultivation and Crown Decapitation on Growth and Formation of the Siberian Stone Pine (Pinus sibirica) Phytomass", Krasnoyarsk, 2000; "Variability of the Siberian Stone Pine in the Plantation Crops in South of Central Siberia, Depending on Germination and Seedling Form Variety", Krasnoyarsk, 2005; "Variability of the Siberian Stone Pine by Microelements' Accumulation in the Needles and Seeds", Krasnoyarsk, 2009; "Evaluation of Biological Productivity of Stone Pine Plantation Crops in the Green Zone of Krasnoyarsk City", Krasnoyarsk, 2012; "Variability and Selection of 42-45-year-old Siberian Stone Pine Trees of Different Geographical Origin in the Green Zone of Krasnoyarsk City", Krasnoyarsk, 2013.


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Total citations – 167; Hirsh index – 4.

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