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Eremchenko Olga Zinov’evna

Eremchenko Olga Zinov’evna

Eremchenko Olga Zinov’evna, born 5 August 1956, in the town of Glazov, Udmurt ASSR (since 11 Oct., 1991 – Udmurt Republic), Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from Perm State University (at the present time – Perm State National Research University), Faculty of Biology, with a specialty in Biology, qualification Biologist, in the city of Perm, Soviet Union (1978), PhD studies in Soils Science at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, Sib. Br. USSR Acad. Sci. (since 1992 – Inst. Soil Sci. Agrochem., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br.), in the city of Novosibirsk, Soviet Union (1985). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Agricultural Physics (1986), Doctor of Biological Sciences (DSc) in Soil Science (1999). PhD thesis: «Khimicheskaya Melioratsiya Solontsov Zaural’ya (1932-1983 gg.)» (Chemical Reclamation of Salt Licks in the Trans-Urals (1932-1983))», Novosibirsk, Inst. Soil Sci. Agrochem., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., 1986 (in Russian). DSc thesis: «Prirodno-Antropogennaya Evolyutsiya Solontsov» (Natural and Anthropogenic Evolution of Salt Licks), Novosibirsk, Inst. Soil Sci. Agrochem., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., 1999 (in Russian). Associate Professor (1997) in. Professor (2005), Head for the Department of Plant Physiology and Soil Ecology, Chair for Scientific School «Ecology of Soils» Faculty of Biology, Perm St. Nat. Res. Univ., in the city of Perm, Perm Krai, Russia (2003-present). Research interests in soil science and soil ecology. Author and co-author of more than 130 scientific publications, including books: «Prirodno-Antropogennye Izmeneniya Solontsov v Yuzhnom Zaural’e» (Natural and Anthropogenic Changes in Salt Licks in the South Trans-Urals), Perm (1997) (in Russian); «Redkie i Ischezayushchie Pochvy Permskogo Kraya» (Rare and Endangered Soils of Perm Krai), Perm (2010) (in Russian); «Tekhnogennye Poverkhnostnye Obrazovaniya Zony Soleotvalov i Adaptatsiya k nim Rasteniy» (Technogenic Surface Formations of the Salt Dump Zone and Adaptation of Plants to Them), Perm, 2013 (in Russian); «Pochvy i Tekhnogennye Poverkhnostnye Obrazovaniya Urbanizirovannykh Territoriy Permskogo Prikam’ya» (Soils and Technogenic Surface Formations of Urbanized Territories of the Perm Kama Region), Perm, 2016 (in Russian). Учебных пособий: «Uchenie o Biosfere» (The Doctrine of the Biosphere), Perm, 2004 (in Russian); «Uchenie o Biosfere. Organizovannost’ Biosfery i Biogeokhimicheskie Tsikly» (The Doctrine of the Biosphere. Organization of the Biosphere and Biogeochemical Cycles), Perm, 2010 (in Russian); «Pochvovedenie: Teoriya i Praktika Laboratornykh Rabot» (Soil Science: Theory and Practice of Laboratory Works), Perm, 2014 (in Russian); «Uchenie o Biosfere» (The Doctrine of the Biosphere), 3rd ed., revised and updated, Moscow, Yurayt, 2019 (in Russian).


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 121

Total Citations – 477; Hirsh Index – 8


Papers in Scopus – 8

Total Scopus Citations – 11; Scopus Hirsh Index – 2

Статьи в Publons – 4

Total Publons Citations – 13; Publons Hirsh Index – 2

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection – 6

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations – 13

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index – 2

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