Frisman Efim Yakovlevich, born 21 February, 1948. Graduated from Novosibirsk State University, Department of Natural Sciences, with a specialty in Biology (1971). Doctor of Biological Sciences in Biophysics (1990), Professor of the Mathematical Modeling and Computer Science Department (1995), Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2011). Director of the Institute for Complex Analysis of Regional Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far-Eastern Branch (2002) in the city of Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Russia. Expert in mathematical modeling of dynamic biological processes and the appendices connected with problems of ecology, genetics and rational wildlife management. Editor-in-chief for peer-reviewed scientific journal «Regionalnye Problemy» (Regional Problems), member of the editorial boards of the peer-reviewed theoretical journals: «Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics», «Comp. Res. Model.», «Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya», «Rus. J. Pacific Geol.». Author and co-author of 8 books and more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals: «Doklady Akademii Nauk» (Doklady Biol. Sci.), «Izvestiya RAN. Seriya Biologicheskaya», «Zhurnal Obschei Biologii» (Biol. Bull. Rev.), «Genetika» (Rus. J. Genet.), «Zoologichesky Zhurnal» (Rus. J. Zool.), «Biofizika» (Biophysics), «Ecol. Model.», «Biometrical Journal» et al.
Total citations – 460; Hirsch index – 8.