Karadeniz Mertcan
Karadeniz Mertcan, born 12 June, 1985. Graduated from Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Forestry, with a specialty in Forestry (2008). MSc. in Forest Pathology (2011). Currently continue PhD studies in Forest Pathology. Research Assistant in Forest Entomology and Protection, for the Forest Engineering Department, Faculty of Forestry, Kastamonu University, in the city of Kastamonu, Turkey (since 2012 to present). Participated in organization of several international and national meetings such as: IUFRO WP 7.02.02 Foliage, Shoot and Stem Diseases Meeting, Eğirdir, Turkey, 2009; First Forest Entomology and Pathology Symposium, Turkey, 2011; «International Forest Fire Conference in Black Sea Region», Kastamonu, Turkey, 2014; Fourth Forest Construction-Transportation and Technology Workshop and Symposium on Precision Forestry in Forest Operations, 2015. Author and co-author of more than 40 scientific publications.
Research profile & publications
E-mail: mkaradeniz@kastamonu.edu.tr