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Koshkarova Valentina Leonidovna

Koshkarova Valentina Leonidovna

Koshkarova Valentina Leonidovna, born 24 August 1946, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from the Siberian Institute of Technology (SibIT) (in 1997 SibIT renaimed to Sib. St. Univ. Technol. (SibSUT), in 2016 SibSUT affiliated to Reshetnev Sib. St. Univ. Sci. Technol.), Faculty of Forestry, with a specialty in Forestry and qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Soviet Union (1969). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Botany (1984). PhD thesis: «Semennye Flory Torfyannikov Doliny r. Enisey» (Seed Flora of Peat Bogs of the River Yenisei Bottomland), Krasnoyarsk, V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Sib. Br., USSR Acad. Sci. (since 1992 – V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br.), 1983 (in Russian). Senior Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Phytocenology and Forest Resource Science, V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., Fed. Res. Center Krasnoyarsk Sci. Center, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia (1991-present). The basic scientific interests and results history of development of flora and vegetation during postglacial time, dynamics of species diversity in time, reconstruction of morphology of forest ecosystems under the influence of global changes of a natural habitat and anthropogenic pressure. The highly skilled expert in Palaeobotanical Sciences (Palaeocarpology), Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography. She has developed methodical bases for palaeocarpological research with reference to history of forests in Holocene. PI and CoPI for 12 Russian and international research projects on reconstruction of dynamics and a diversity of frame of forest ecosystems of Siberia in Holocene, to stable forest exploitation. Author and co-author of more than 130 papers, including 4 monographs, more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, proceedings of international scientific conferences. Some of them: "Seed Flora of the Siberian Peatbogs", Novosibirsk, 1986 (in Russian), "Forest Ecosystem of the Yenisey Meridian", Novosibirsk, 2002 (in Russian with summary and contents in English), "Diversity and Dynamics of Forest Ecosystems of Russia", Moscow, 2012 (in Russian with summary and contents in English), "Fundamental and Applied Problems of Science", Moscow (in Russian with summary in English). The Honored Veteran of the Sib. Br.Rus. Acad. Sci. For a creative scientific work of many years in the Rus. Acad. Sci. and outstanding contribution to the development of science, awarded by the "Silver Sigma" honorary sign of the  Sib. Br., Rus. Acad. Sci. (2006), Honorary Note of the Presidium USSR Acad. Sci., Honorary Notes and Diplomas of the Presidium of the Sib. Br.Rus. Acad. Sci., Director of V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br.


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index)  56

Total Citations – 273; Hirsch Index – 7

Papers in Scopus 9

Total Scopus Citations – 28; Scopus Hirsh Index – 3

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 6

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations 14

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index 2

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