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Kupriyanov Andrey Nikolaevich

Kupriyanov Andrey Nikolaevich

Kupriyanov Andrey Nikolaevich, born 30 July 1950 in the city of NovosibirskNovosibirsk OblastSoviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from Novosibirsk State Pedagogic Institute (at the present time – Novosibirsk State Pedagogic University), Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography (at the present time – Institute of Natural and Socio-Economic Sciences), with a specialty Teacher of Biology and Chemistry, in the city of Novosibirsk Novosibirsk OblastSoviet Union (1972). Candidate (PhD, 1982) and Doctor (DSc, 1992) of Biological Sciences in Botany. DSc thesis: «Antropogennaya Flora i Zakonomernosti Fitomelioracsii Otvalov v Subaridnoi Zone Kazakhstana» (Anthropogenic Flora and Regularities of Phytomelioration of Mine Dumps in Subarid Zone of Kazakhstan), NovosibirskCentral Sib. Bot. GardenRus. Acad. Sci.Sib. Br., 1992 (in Russian). Chief Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Introduction of Plants Kuzbas Botanical Garden, Institute of Human Ecology, Fed. Res. Center for Coal and Coal ChemistryRus. Acad. Sci.Sib. Br., Professor for the Department of Ecology and Nature ManagementInstitute of Biology, Ecology and Natural ResourcesKemerovo State University (2010-present), in the city of Kemerovo, Kemerovo Oblast, Russia. Expert in botany, environmental protection, and ecology. Chairman for the Regional Council of Botanical Gardens of Siberia and Fast under Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Editor-in-Chief for the periodical scientific bulletin «Botanicheskie Issledovaniya Sibiri i Kazakhastana» (Botanical Research in Siberia and Kazakhstan), Associate editor for peer-reviewed scientific journals: «Sibirskij Ekologicheskij Zhurnal» (Sib. J. Ecol.), «Contemporary Problems of Ecology», and «Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal» (Sib. J. For. Sci.). Author and co-author of over 300 scientific publications, including 9 monographs, some of them: «Flora Nascionalnogo Prirodnogo Parka Burabay» (Flora of the Burabay National Park), Novosibirsk, 2014 (in Russian with English abstract); «Opredelitel Sosudistykh Rastenij Bayanaulskogo Nascionalnogo Parka», (Identification Guide for Vascular Plants of the Bayanaul National Park), Novosibirsk, 2013 (in Russian with English abstract); «Monitoring, Oscenka i Prognoz Sostoyaniya Okruzayushey Sredy na Osnove Sovremennykh Informascionnykh Technologij» (Monitoring, Evaluation and Prediction of the Environment on the Basis of Modern Information Technologies), Kemerovo, 2013 (in Russian with English abstract); «Formirovanie Rastitel'nogo Pokrova v Technogennykh Landshaftakh Kuzbassa» (Formation of Vegetation in the Man-Made Landscapes of Kuznetsk Basin), Novosibirsk, 2011 (in Russian with English abstract).


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index)  261

Total Citations – 2488; Hirsh Index – 23

Papers in Scopus 17

Total Scopus Citations – 34; Scopus Hirsh Index – 3

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 15

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations 47

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index 3

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