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Manakov Yuri Alexandrovich

Manakov Yuri Alexandrovich

Manakov Yuri Alexandrovich, born 15 May 1971 in the village of Kurya, Altai Krai. Graduated from Tomsk State University (at the present time – National Research Tomsk State University), Faculty of Biology and Soil Science (at the present time – Biological Institute), with a specialty in Biology (1993). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) (2000) and Doctor of Biological Sciences (DSc.) (2012) in Ecology. PhD thesis: «Osobennosti Formirovaniya Rastitelnogo Pokrova v Kar'erno-Otval’nykh Landshaftakh Kuzbassa (na Primere Kedrovskogo Ugolnogo Razreza)» (The Features of Formation of Vegetation on the Rock Dump Landscapes in Kuzbass (on the Example of Kedrovskiy Open Cast Mine), Novosibirsk, Central Sib. Bot. Garden, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., 2000 (in Russian). DSc. thesis: «Vosstanovlenie Rastitelnogo Pokrova v Tekhnogennykh Landshaftakh Kuzbassa», Novosibirsk, (Restoration of Vegetation Cover in Technogenic Landscapes of Kuzbass), Novosibirsk State Agr. Univ., 2012 (in Russian). Head for the Laboratory of Industrial Botany at Kuzbass Botanical GardenInstitute of Human Ecology, the Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch in the city of Kemerovo. Specialist in botany, nature protection, and environmental monitoring. Author and co-author of more than 80 scientific publications, including three books. Some of them: «Vosstanovlenie Ekosistem na Otvalakh Gornodobyvayuschei Promyshlennosti Kuzbassa» (Restoring Ecosystems on the Dumps of Mining Industry in Kuzbass), Novosibirsk, Acad. Publ. House «GEO», 2010 (in Russian with English abstract); «Formirovanie Rastitelnogo Pokrova v Tekhnogennykh Landshaftakh Kuzbassa» (The Formation of Vegetation Cover in Technogenic Landscapes of Kuzbass), Novosibirsk, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br. Publ. House, 2011 (in Russian with English abstract); «Monitoring, Oscenka i Prognoz Sostoyaniya Okruzayuschei Sredy na Osnove Sovremennykh Informascionnykh Tekhnologii» (Monitoring, Assessment and Forecast of the Environment Condition Based on Modern Information Technologies), Kemerovo, Publ. House Asia, 2013 (in Russian with English abstract); «Оsobennosti zarastaniya otvalov na raznykh stadiyakh vosstanovitelnoi sukscessii v Kuzbasse» (The characteristics of revegetation on the rock dumps at different stages of regenerative successions in Kuzbass) In «Uspekhi Sovremennogo Estestvoznaniya» (Achievements in Contemporary Natural Science), 2013 (in Russian with English abstract); «Ratio of plants with various mycorrhizal statuses at overgrown rock dumps» In «Contemp. Probl. Ecol.», 2014.


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Total citations – 204; Hirsch index – 6.

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