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Nonić Marina Zh.

Nonić Marina Zh., born 28 February 1985 in the town of Majdanpek, Bor District, Republic of Serbia. Graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, with BSc in Forestry (2008), in the city of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. PhD studies and teaching assistant in Forest Genetics, Plant Breeding and Breeding of Ornamental Plants (2009-2016), with PhD in Seed Science, Nursery Production and Afforestation (2016) at the Chair of Seed Science, Nursery Practice and Afforestation, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, the University of Belgrade, in the city of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. PhD thesis: «Unapredenje Masovne Proizvodnje Lisno-Dekorativnih Kultivara Bukve Kalemljenjem» (Improving Mass Production of Leaf-Ornamental Beech Cultivars by Grafting), Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, the University of Belgrade, 2016 (in Serbian with English abstract). Assistant Professor, Deputy Head for the Laboratory of Biotechnoology, Chair of Seed Science, Nursery Practice and Afforestation, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry, the University of Belgrade, in the city of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (2016-present). Research interests in forest genetics, plants breeding, conservation and sustainable utilization of forest genetic resources, and plant production. PI and Co-PI for a numerous national and international research projects. Author and co-author of more than 70 scientific publications.


Papers in Google Scholar – 48

Total Google Scholar Citations – 136; Google Scholar Hirsh Index – 7

Papers in Research Gate – 42

Total Research Gate Citations – 92; Research Gate Score – 13.33

Papers in Scopus – 14

Total Scopus Citations – 37; Scopus Hirsh Index – 3

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection – 10

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations – 29

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index – 3

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