Oskorbin Pavel Anatolievich
Oskorbin Pavel Anatolievich, born 25 November, 1981. Graduated from the Siberian State University of Technology (SSUT) (in 2016 SSUT is affiliated to M. F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University), Faculty of Forestry, with a specialty in Environmental Spatial Planning (2003). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Ecology and Forest Science, Silviculture, Forest Fires and Fire Fighting (2007). PhD thesis: «Struktura Temnokhvoinykh Drevostoev Yuzhnoi Taigi Krasnoyarskogo Kraya» (The Structure of Dark Needle Coniferous Tree Stands of the Southern Taiga of Krasnoyarsk Krai), Krasnoyarsk, V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., 2007 (in Russian). Leading Specialist for the Ministry of Forestry of Krasnoyarsk Krai. Research interests in assessment of stock and structure of forest stands, study effect of varying felling intensity on production processes at conifer forests, maintenance of the state forest registry, thinning rules. Author and co-author of 11 articles. Some of them: «Poslepozarnaya dinamika lesnykh nasazdenii v Krasnoyarskoi lesostepi» (Post-fire dynamics of forest stands in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe) In «Lesovedenie» (Rus. J. For. Sci.), 2008 (in Russian with English abstract); «Zapas i struktura krupnykh drevesnykh ostatkov v sosnyakakh Eniseiskoi ravniny» (The stock and structure of large woody debris) In «Lesovedenie» (Rus. J. For. Sci.), 2009 (in Russian with English abstract); «Climate induced birch mortality in Trans-Baikal lake region, Siberia» In в журн. « For. Ecol. Manag.», 2013; «Tree-line structure and dynamics at the northern limit of the larch forest: Anabar plateau, Siberia, Russia» In «Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research», 2013; «Siberian pine decline and mortality in southern Siberian mountains» In «For. Ecol. Manag.», 2013; «Dynamics of plant communities in insular pine forests of Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe» In «Rus. J. Ecol.», 2013; «Biological activity of waste dump substrates in the eastern part of the Kansk-Achinsk coal field» In «Euras. Soil Sci.», 2014.
E-mail: ospa@kyrles.akadem.ru
Total eLibrary.ru citations – 51; eLibrary.ru Hirsch Index – 4.