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Rogovtsev Roman Vladimirovich

Rogovtsev Roman Vladimirovich

Rogovtsev Roman Vladimirovich, born 10 May 1979 in Suzun settlement of Suzunsky District of Novosibirsk Oblast. Graduated from Ural Forest Engineering Academy (in present time – Ural State Forest Engineering University), Faculty of Forestry (at the present time Institute of Forest and Nature Management) in the city of Yekaterinburg. with a specialty Engineer of Forest and Recreational Forest Management (2001). PhD student in West-Siberian Branch of V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch (2002–2004). Head for Forest Seed Division at Centre for Forest Protection of Novosibirsk Oblast, branch of the Russian Centre for Forest Protection in the city of Novosibirsk (since 2008 and till present time). The main research interests in the creation of united genetic breeding complex, population and geographical variability and regeneration of pine in Priobie forests of Siberia. Author and co-author of 11 scientific publications.


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Total citations – 26; Hirsch index – 3.

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