
Shergina Olga Vladimirovna, born 5 March 1980 in the town of Nizhneudinsk, Nizhneudinsky District, Irkutsk Oblast, Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from Irkutsk State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Studies, with a specialty in Soil Science and Ecological Assessment of Soil, qualification Biologist, in the city of Irkutsk, Russia (2002). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Ecology and Soil Science, (2006). PhD thesis: «Otscenka Sostoyaniya Urboekosistemy po Parametram Drevesnykh Rasteniy i Pochvennogo Pokrova: na Primere Goroda Irkutska» (Assessment of the Condition of Urboecosystem by the Characteristics of Woody Plants and Soil Cover: on Example of the City of Irkutsk), Irkutsk, Irkut. St. Univ., 2006 (in Russian). Senior Research Scientist for the Lab. Nat. Anthrop. Ecosyst., Sib. Inst. Plant Physiol. Biochem., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., in the city of Irkutsk, Russia (2006-present). Specialist in urban ecology, soil science, and biogeochemistry. Scientific interests in assessment of soils and trees condition in urbanized and natural territories, with studying biogeochemical mechanisms of migration of elements in system «soil-plant», with ecogeochemical mapping of territories, experiencing anthropogenic impact. Author and co-author of more than 100 scientific publications, including 3 books.
Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 86
Total Citations – 377; Hirsh Index – 8
Total Google Scholar Citations – 260; Google Scholar Hirsh Index – 8
Papers in Scopus – 22
Total Scopus Citations – 84; Scopus Hirsh Index – 4
Papers in Web of Science Core Collection – 9
Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations – 32
Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index – 4
Personal page (in Russian)