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Soukhovolsky Vladislav Grigor'evich

Soukhovolsky Vladislav Grigor'evich, born 21 March 1947 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk KraiSoviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from Krasnoyarsk State University (KSU) (in 2006 KSU being included to the Siberian Federal University), Faculty of Physics, with a specialty in Biophysics and qualification Physicist (1969). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Ecology (1984), Doctor of Biological Sciences in Biophysics (1997), Professor in Ecology (2006). PhD thesis: «Issledovanie Vzaimodeystviya Dereva s Nasekomymi na Osnove Analiza Dielektricheskikh Svoystv Tkaney Khvoynykh» (Study of Tree and Insect Interrelations Based on Analysis of Dielectric Properties of Conifer Tissues), Krasnoyarsk, V. N. Sukachev Inst. For. & Timber USSR Acad. Sci., Sib. Br. (since 1992 V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br.), 1984 (in Russian). DSc thesis: «Modelirovanie Rosta Derev'ev i Vzaimodeystviya Lesnykh Nasekomykh s Drevesnymi Rasteniyami: Optimizatsionnyy Podkhod» (Modelling of Tree Growth and Interrelation of Forest Insects with Woody Plants: Optimization Approach), KrasnoyarskInst. Biophysics, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., 1996 (in Russian). Leading Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Forest Zoology at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br.Fed. Res. Center, Krasnoyarsk Sci. Center, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., Professor for the Department of Ecology and Nature Use at Siberian Federal University, in the city of KrasnoyarskKrasnoyarsk KraiRussia. Expert in mathematical modeling of complex biological, ecological social and political systems. Associate editor for peer-reviewed scientific journals Lesovedenie (Rus. J. For. Sci.), and Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). Author and co-author of more than 500 scientific publications including 18 books. Some of them: «Population dynamics of forest insects», Moscow, Nauka, 2001 (in Russian); «Pine looper in the forests of Siberia: ecology, population dynamics, impact on crops», Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2002 (in Russian); «Insects-phyllofagous of urban forests: a community structure and population dynamics», Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2004 (in Russian with summary and title in English); «Economics of living things. Optimazing approach in the description of processes in ecological communities and systems», Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2004 (in Russian with summary and title in English); «Optimization models of interactions between populations», Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2008 (in Russian with summary and title in English); «Forest insects population dynamics», Novosibirsk, 2009; «Forest Insect Population Dynamics, Outbreaks, and Global Warming Effects», Scrivener Publ., Wiley, USA, 2017, et al.


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) 277

Total Citations – 1654; Hirsh Index – 14


Papers in Scopus  60

Total Scopus Citations  172; Scopus Hirsh Index  9

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 27

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations – 54 

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index – 4

Personal page

Authors articles

1. Soukhovolsky V. G., Volkova P. E., Tarasova O. V. Modeling of Forest Insect Pheromone Communication System. Female as a Source of Information
2. Soukhovolsky V. G. Foreword From Scientific Editor. Forest Ecological Modeling. Current Status and Prospects. From Where it Might Appear New Ideas?
3. Soukhovolsky V. G., Ivanova Yu. D. Growth of Forest Stands as Analogue of Production Process in Economic Systems: E2E-Model
4. Soukhovolsky V. G. Upstream by the River of Time (to 85 Years of Birthday DSc. in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Ecology Rem Grigorievich Khlebopros)
5. Pshenichnikova L. S., Evdokimenko M. D., Ivanov V. V., Onuchin A. A., Soukhovolsky V. G. Scientific Heritage of Alexey Ivanovich Buzykin (to 80 Years of Birthday)
6. Soukhovolsky V. G., Tomilin F. N., Artyushenko P. V., Tsikalova P. E. System of Forest Insect Pheromone Communication: Stability of «Information» Molecules to Environmental Factors
7. Baranchikov Yu. N., Soukhovolsky V. G. Alan Andrew Berryman (05.01.1937 – 28.11.2018) *
8. Soukhovolsky V. G. Foreword from the Scientific Editor for Thematic Issue of the Siberian Journal of Forest Science
9. Soukhovolsky V. G. Seer (to 90th Anniversary of Alexander Sergeevich Isaev)
10. Soukhovolsky V. G. Models of Critical Events in Forest Insect Populations as a First-Order Phase Transition
11. Soldatov V. V., Soukhovolsky V. G. Decision Making in the Problems of Forest Protection from Insect Pests
12. Soukhovolsky V. G., Tarasova O. V. Long-Term Dynamics of Forest Insect Populations in Krasnoturanskiy Pine Forest
13. Tarasova O. V., Soldatov V. V., Kovalev A. V., Sukhovolskiy V. G. Elena Nikolaevna Pal’nikova (03.12.1954 – 11.26.2018) *

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