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Storozhenko Vladimir Grigor'evich

Storozhenko Vladimir Grigor'evich

Storozhenko Vladimir Grigor'evich, born 17 November, 1939 in the city of Moscow, Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from Moscow Institute of Forest Technology (MIFT) (in 1993 MIFT renaimed to Moscow State Forest University (MSFU), in 2016 MSFU reorganized to Mytischi Branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Faculty of Forestry (at the present time – Faculty of Forestry, Forest Industry Technology, and Landscape Development), with a specialty in Forestry, and qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Mytishchi, Moscow Oblast, Russia (1968). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) in Phytopatology and Plant Protection (1978), Senior Research Scientist (1985), Doctor of Biological Sciences in Forest Science, Silviculture, Forest Fires & Fire Fighting (1995). PhD thesis: «Vliyanie Gribnykh Bolezney na Sostoyanie El'nikov Valdayskoy Vozvyshennosti» (Influence of Fungi Diseases on the Condition of Spruce Forests of  the Valdai Hills), Leningrad (06 Sept., 1991 Leningrad renaimed to Saint Petersburg), the Order of Lenin S. M. Kirov Leningrad Forest Technical Academy (at the present time – S. M. Kirov Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University), 1977 (in Russian). DSc. thesis: «Gribnye Derevorazrushayuschie Kompleksy v Genezise Elovykh Biogeotsenozov» (Fungi Wood-Destroying Complexes in the Genesis of Spruce Biogeocoenoses), MoscowInst. For. Sci., Rus. Acad. Sci., 1994 (in Russian). Chief Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Forestry and Biological ProductivityInstitute of Forest Science, Rus. Acad. Sci., in the village of UspenskoeOdintsovsky DistrictMoscow Oblast, Russia. Associate editor for peer-reviewed scientific journals: «Khvoinye Borealnoi Zony» (Conifers of the Boreal Zone), and «Ulyanovskii Mediko-Biologicheskii Zhurnal» (Ulyanovsk Med. Biol. J.). Research interests in forest biogeocenology, phytopathology, mycology, structure of phytocenoses of  the boreal forests, tree mortality and its decomposition, theory and practice of forest, sustainability, degradation and restoration of oak forest formations. Author and co-author of more than 190 papers and 10 books. Some of them: «Gnilevye Fauty Korennykh Lesov Russkoy Ravniny» (Rots of Pristine Forests of the Russian Plane), Moscow, 2002 (in Russian); «Ustoichivye Lesnye Soobschestva. Teoriya i Experiment» (Stable Forests Communities. Theory and Experiment), Tula, 2007 (in Russian); «Drevesny Otpad v Korennykh Lesah Russkoy Ravniny» (Course Woody Debris in Pristine Forests of the Russian Plane), Moscow, 2011 (in Russian); «Mikoscenoz i Mikoscenologiya. Teoriya i Eksperiment» (Mycocoenosis and Mycocoenology. The Theory and Experiment), Tula, 2012 (in Russian with English abstract); «Evolyuscionnye Prinscipy Povedeniya Derevorazrushayuschikh Gribov v Lesnykh Biogeoscenozakh» (Evolutionary Principles of Wood-Destroying Fungi Behavior in Forest Biogeocenosis), Tula, 2014 (in Russian with English title and abstract); «Atlas-Opredelitel’ Derevorazrushayuschikh Gribov Lesov Russkoi Ravniny» (Identification Guide for Wood-Destroying Fungi of the Russian Plain's Forests), Moscow, 2014 (in Russian with English abstract); «Gribnye Soobschestva Lesnykh Ekosistem» (Fungal Communities in Forest Ecosystems), Vol. 4, Moscow-Petrozavodsk, 2014 (in Russian with English title and abstract).


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 144

Total Citations – 1142; Hirsh Index – 14

Papers in Scopus – 5

Total Scopus Citations – 3; Scopus Hirsh Index – 1

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 8

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations – 12

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index – 2 

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