Tabatskaya Tatiana Mikhailovna
Tabatskaya Tatiana Mikhailovna, born 8 September 1948. Graduated from Voronezh State University, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences with specialty in «Biology, Genetics and Plant Breeding» (1971). Senior Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Genetics at All-Russian Research Institute of Forest Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology. Specialist in in vitro biotechnology, and micropropagation of forest tree species. Author and co-author of more than 90 papers. Some of them are: «Method of clonal micropropagation of different willow species and hybrids» In «Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology», 2010 (in Russian and in English); «Karelian birch (Betula pendula Roth. var.carelica Merkl.) as a model for studying genetic and epigenetic variation related to the formation of patterned wood» In «Rus. J. Genet.», 2011 (in Russian and in English); «Sposob Vyrashivaniya Posadochnogo Materiala» (The Method for Growing Planting Stock). Invention, 2011. Patent of the Russian Federation RU2485755 (in Russian); «Sposob Mikroklonalnogo Razmnozeniya Olkhi Chernoj In Vitro» (Method for Microclonal Reproduction of Black Alder in Vitro). Invention, 2102. Patent of the Russian Federation RU2515385 (in Russian).
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Total citations – 159; Hirsh index – 5.