Uss Ekaterina Anatol’evna
Uss Ekaterina Anatol’evna, born 21 September, 1973 in the city of Minsk, Republic of Belarus. Graduated from Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Human and Animal Physiology (at the present time – Department of Zoology, Physiology and Genetics), with a specialty in Biology, in the city of Gomel, Republic of Belarus (1998). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD) in Forest Science and Silviculture; Forest Fires and Fire Fighting (2002). PhD thesis: «Tipologicheskaya Struktura, Dinamika i Produktivnost’ Sosnovo-Berezovykh Drevostoev Belarusi» (Typological Structure, Dynamics and Productivity of Pine-Birch Tree Stands in Belarus), Institute of Forest, Nat. Acad. Sci. Belаrus, Gomel, Republic of Belarus, 2002 (in Russian). The Head for forest inventory and planning team at the Republican affiliate forest planning unitary enterprise «Gomellesproekt», in the city of Gomel, Republic of Belarus. Specialist in forest science, geobotany, forest ecology, forest planning and forest inventory. Author and co-author of more than 70 scientific publications. Some of them: «K voprosu primeneniya sortimentnykh tablits dlya materialnoy otsenki drevesiny, zagotavlivaemoy pri promezhutochnom polzovanii v lesokhozyaystvennoy praktike» (To the question of the application of assortment tables for material valuation of the timber harvested in intermediate use in forest management practices) In «Trudy BGTU» (Proc. BSTU), 2013 (in Russian with English abstract); «Khod rosta elovykh nasazhdeniy Belarusi po bonitetam v razreze osnovnykh tipov lesa» (Growth development of fir grove of Belarus on productivity level in different basic forest types) In «Aktual’nye Problemy Lesnogo Kompleksa»: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov (Actual Problems of Forest Complex: Coll. Scientific Works), Bryansk, Bryansk St. Univ. Engineer. Technol., 2014 (in Russian with English abstract); «Ekologo-fitotsenoticheskaya kharakteristika osinnikov podzony shirokolistvenno-sosnovykh lesov Belarusi» (Ecological-phytocoenotic characteristic of aspen forests in subzone of broadleaf-pine woods of Belarus) In «Okruzhayushchaya Sreda Polesiya: Osobennosti i Perspektivy Razvitiya»: Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov (Natural Environment of Polesie: Features and Prospects of Development: Coll. Sci. Works), Minsk, «Belorusskaya Nauka» (Bel. Sci.), 2016 (in Russian); «Ekologo-fitotsenoticheskiy sostav i produktivnost’ chernoolkhovykh nasazhdeniy podzony shirokolistvenno-sosnovykh lesov Belarusi» (Eсological-phytocoenotic structure and productivity of black alder stands of a subzone of broadleaf-pine forests of Belarus) In «Geograficheskie Aspekty Ustoychivogo Razvitiya Regionov» (Geographical Aspects of Sustainable Development of Regions): Proc. II Int. Sci.-Pract. Conf., Gomel, Republic of Belarus, 2017 (in Russian).