Ziganshin Rashid Ashat'evich, born 09 February, 1937 in the settlement of Pezas, Krapivinsky District, Kemerovo Oblast, Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia), deceased 08 September, 2020 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Graduated from the Order of Lenin S. M. Kirov Leningrad Forest Technical Academy (at the present time – S. M. Kirov Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University), Faculty of Forestry (at the present time – Institute of Forest and Natural Resources Management), with a specialty in Forestry, qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Leningrad (06 Sept., 1991 Leningrad renaimed to Saint Petersburg), Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia) (1962). Candidate (PhD, 1988) and Doctor (2001) of Agricultural Sciences in Forest Planning and Forest Inventory. PhD thesis: «Metod Inventarizascii Gornykh Lesov na Landshaftno-Lesotipologicheskoi Osnove» (The Method for Inventory Mountain Forests on Landscape-Forest Typological Basis), Krasnoyarsk, 1988 (in Russian). DSc thesis: «Zakonomernosti Stroeniya Drevostoev Sibiri i ikh Inventarizatsiya na Prirodnoi Osnove» (The Regularities of Structure of Tree Stands of Siberia and Their Inventory on Natural Basis), Krasnoyarsk, 2001 (in Russian). Leading Research Scientist for the Lab. Valuat. For. Use, V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., Fed. Res. Center Krasnoyarsk Sci. Center, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Russia (2001-2020), Academician for the Peter the Great Academy of Sciences and Arts (2012), Honorary Forest Worker (2012). Expert in forest inventory and forest planning, investigation and technogenic disturbances of a near tundra (Taimyr) and mountain (Near Baikal Lake) forest ecosystems of Siberia. Author (together with N. I. Rubtcsov) for landscape method of forest inventory. Author and co-author for more than 200 papers and 9 books, 2 patents for an invention.
Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 34
Total Citations – 136; Hirsh Index – 3