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Antonova Nataliya Evgenievna

Antonova Nataliya Evgenievna
Antonova Nataliya Evgenievna, born 21 April 1960, in the city of ..., Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from Khabarovsk Institute of National Economy (at the present time Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law) Faculty of Economics, with a specialty in Economics and qualification Economist, in the city of KhabarovskKhabarovsk Krai, Russia (1981). Associate Professor in Economics (2005), DSc in Regional Economics (2011). DSc thesis: «Regional'nye Reaktsii na Transformatsiyu Lesnoy Politiki (na Primere Lesnogo Kompleksa Dal'nego Vostoka)» (Regional Responses to Forest Policy Transformation (on the Example of Forest Complex of the Far East), KhabarovskEcon. Res. Inst., Rus. Acad. Sci., Far East. Br. (2010) (in Russian). Chief Research Scientist for the Department of Territorial and Branch Systems, Econ. Res. Inst., Rus. Acad. Sci., Far East. Br., in the city of Khabarovsk, Khabarovsk Krai, Russia (2020-present). Expert in national and regional forest policy of Russia, forest economy, problems of the Far East forest complex, as well as forest policy and timber markets in the Pacific Rim countries. PI and Co-PI for a number of national Russian and international research projects on problems and prospects of the Far East forest complex development in connection with changing institutional environment and foreign markets. Associate editor for peer-reviewed theoretical journals Spatial Economics and Siberian Journal of Forest Science. Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific publications, including 2 books: "Upravlenie Lesnym Kompleksom Mnogolesnogo Regiona" (Management of Forest Complex in Multiforest Region), Vladivostok, Dal'nauka, 2002 (in Russian with English summary and contents); "Lesnaya Politika: Regional'nye Proyavleniya" (Forest Policy: Regional Responses), Khabarovsk, 2010 (in Russian with English summary and contents). 

Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index)  196
Total Citations – 1895; Hirsch Index – 22
Total Google Scholar Citations – 1129
Google Scholar Hirsh Insex – 16
Total Scopus Citations – 17; Scopus Hirsh Index – 2
Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 1
Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations 9
Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index 1
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