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Isaev Alexander Petrovich

Isaev Alexander Petrovich

Isaev Alexander Petrovich, born 29 September 1963 in the town of NyurbaNyurbinsky DistrictYakut ASSR (since 1991 – Sakha Rep. (Yakutia)), Soviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from Yakutsk St. Univ. (at the present time – North-Eastern Federal University), Faculty of Biology and Geography (at the present time – Biol. Dep. Inst. Nat. Sci.), with a specialty in Biology, qualification Biologist, Teacher of Biology and Chemistry, in the city of Yakutsk, Yakut ASSR, Soviet Union (1985). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) in Forest Science and Forestry; Forest Fires and Fire Fighting (1993), Doctor of Biological Sciences in Ecology (2012). PhD thesis: «Listvennichnye Lesa Srednetaezhnoy Podzony Yakutii i Lesovozobnovlenie na Vyrubkakh» (Larch Forests of the Middle Taiga Subzone of Yakutia and Forest Regeneration at Logging Areas), Krasnoyarsk, V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., 1993 (in Russian). DSc. thesis: «Estestvennaya i Antropogennaya Dinamika Listvennichnykh Lesov Kriolitozony (na Primere Yakutii)» (Natural and Anthropogenic Dynamics of Larch Forests in Cryolite Zone (on the Example of Yakutia), Yakutsk, 2011 (in Russian). Head for the Lab. Permafrost For. Sci., Inst. Biol. Probl. Cryolite Zone, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br. (1998-present), Head for the Dep. Bot. and Permafrost For. Sci. at the Inst. Nat. Sci., M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Fed. Univ., in the city of Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia (2011-present). Expert in permafrost forestry, geobotany, forest use, monitoring and research of boreal forests. PI and CoPI for more than 20 national and international research projects on monitoring and biosphere functions of boreal forests, and sustainable forest management. Advised 4 PhD and 12 graduates with higher education. Associate editor for a peer-reviewed theoretical journal «Siberian Journal of Forest Science». Author and co-author of more than 200 papers, including chapters in 12 monographs, more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Some of them: «Lesa Srednetaeznoi Podzony Yakutii» (Forests of the Middle Taiga Subzone in Yakutia), Yakutsk, 1994 (in Russian); «Zelenaya Kniga Sibiri: Redkie i Nuzdayuschiesya v Okhrane Rastitelnye Soobschestva» (Green Book of Siberia: Rare and Protected Plant Communities), Novosibirsk, Nauka. Sib. Br., 1996 (in Russian); «Problemy Sokharaneniya i Ustoychivogo Ispol'zovaniya Boreal'nykh Lesov Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya)» (Problems of Conservation and Sustainable use of Boreal Forests in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)MoscowIUCN, 1997 (in Russian); «Les i Vechnaya Merzlota: Osobennosti Sostava i Struktury Lesov Merzlotnogo Regiona, Problemy Ratsional'nogo Vedeniya Khozyaystva i Okhrany» (Forest and Permafrost: The Features of Composition and Structure of Forests in Permafrost Region, Problems of Rational Management and Protection), Yakutsk, 2000 (in Russian); «Alasnye Ekosistemy: Struktura, Funktsionirovanie, Dinamika» (Alas Ecosystems: Structure, Functioning, and Dynamics), Novosibirsk, Nauka. Sib. Br., 2005 (in Russian); «The Far North: Plant Biodiversity and Ecology of Yakutia», SpringerDordrechtNetherlands, 2010; «Bioraznoobrazie Landshaftov Tokinskoy Kotloviny i Khrebta Tokinskii Stanovik» (Biodiversity of the Tokinsky Depression and Tokinsky Stanovik Ridge), NovosibirskSib. Br. Rus. Acad. Sci. Publ. House, 2010 (in Russian with English abstract); «Bioraznoobrazie Listvennits Aziatskoy Rossii» (Biodiversity of Larches of Asian Russia), Novosibirsk, Acad. Publ. House "GEO", 2010 (in Russian with English summary); «Nasekomye – Glavneishie Vrediteli Lesov Yakutii» (Insects – Major Pests of Forests in Yakutia), Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2013 (in Russian with English summary).


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 130

Total Citations – 1037; Hirsch Index – 11

Papers in Scopus 10

Total Scopus Citations – 243; Scopus Hirsh Index – 6


Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 8

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations  230

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index 5
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