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Paramonov Eugene Grigorievich

Paramonov Eugene Grigorievich

Paramonov Eugene Grigorievich, born 14 November 1937 in the village of SukhorechkaBuzuluksky District, Orenburg OblastSoviet Union (since 1992 – Russia), died 13 October 2019 in the town of NovoaltayskAltai Krai, Russia. Graduated from Buzuluk Forestry College, with a specialty in Forestry, qualification Forestry Technician, in the town of  BuzulukBuzuluksky DistrictOrenburg Oblast, Russia (1957), Povolzskiy Forest Engineering Institute (at the present time – Volga State University of Technology), Faculty of Forestry (at the present time – Faculty of Forestry and Ecology), with a specialty in Forestry, qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El RepublicRussia (1962). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD, 1973) in Silviculture, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (DSc 1994), Professor (2007) in Forest Science and Silviculture; Forest Fires & Fire Fighting. PhD thesis: «Vliyanie Podsochki Sosnyakov na Ikh Estestvennoe Vozobnovlenie (Po Issledovaniyu v Verkhne-Obskom Massive Altayskogo Kraya)» (Influence of Tapping of Pine Forests on Their Natural Regeneration (by the Studies in Upper Ob' Forest Massive of Altai Krai), Yoshkar-Ola, A. M. Gorkiy Мariyskiy Politechnic Inst. (at the present time – Volga State University of Technology), 1973 (in Russian). DSc thesis: «Lesovodstvennoe Obosnovanie Differentsirovannoy Sistemy Vedeniya Khozyaystva v Gornykh Kedrovnikakh Altaya» (Silvicultural Substantiation for the Differentiated System of Forestry in Mountain Siberian Stone Pine Forests of Altai), Yoshkar-Ola, A. M. Gorkiy Мariyskiy Politechnic Inst. (at the present time – Volga State University of Technology), 1993 (in Russian). The Honored Forester of the Russian Federation (1997). Chief Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Water Resorces Management, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Professor for the Department of Forestry, Altai State Agricultural University in the city of Barnaul, Altai Krai, Russia. Research interests in field-protective afforestation in steppes, forest fire protection, growing and rational use of coniferous tree species, including Siberian stone pine, larch, and fir, restoration of pine forests on burned areas, artificial forest regeneration, increasing forest productivity, problems of steppe desertification. Advised 10 PhD and 2 DSc candidates. Author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications, including 21 books. 


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index)  170

Total Citations – 888; Hirsh Index – 14

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