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Usenya Vladimir Vladimirovich

Usenya Vladimir Vladimirovich

Usenya Vladimir Vladimirovich, born 28 August, 1958 in Paseka Settlement, Paseka Village CouncilStaryya Darohi RaionMinsk RegionRepublic of Belarus. Graduated from S. M. Kirov Belarus Institute of Technology (at the present time – Belarus State Technological University), Forestry Faculty, with a specialty in Forestry, qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of MinskRepublic of Belarus (1980). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) in Forest Crops, Selection, and Seed Growing (1988), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (2004), Professor (2010) in Forest Science, Silviculture, Forest Fires and Fire Fighting, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belаrus (2021). PhD thesis: «Produktivnost’ i Puti Intensifikascii Rosta Kultur Eli v BSSR na Svezhikh Suglinistykh Pochvakh» (Productivity and the Ways for Intensification of Growth of Spruce Crops in the Belarus Soviet Socialist Republic on Raw Loamy Soils), Minsk, S. M. Kirov Belarus Inst. Technol. (at the present time – Belarus St. Technol. Univ.), 1988 (in Russian). DSc thesis: «Lesovodstvenno-Pirologicheskie Osnovy Okhrany Lesov ot Pozharov Respubliki Belarus» (Silvicultural and Pyrological Backgrounds for Protection of Forests from Fires in the Republic of Belarus), GomelRepublic of Belarus, 2003 (in Russian). Deputy Director on Scientific Research for Institute of Forest the National Academy of Sciences of Belаrus, in the city of GomelRepublic of Belarus (2007-present). PI and Co-PI in the development of fundamental technical regulatory legal acts in the field of forest protection from fires and liquidation of their consequences in the Republic of Belarus: «Steady Forest Management and Forest Exploitation»; «The Requirements for Actions in Forest Fire Protection»; «The Map of Forest Fire Zoning of the Territory of Belarus»; «The Rules of Fire-Proof Arrangement of Forests in the Republic of Belarus». The national level regulating document of the Republic of Belarus: «Prakticheskie Rekomendascii po Diagnostike Poslepozharnogo Sostoyaniya Nasazdenii Osnovnykh Lesoobrazuyuschikh Porod i Vedeniyu v Nikh Khozyaistva» (Practical Recommendations on the Diagnostics of Postfire Condition of the Stands of the Main Forest Forming Species and Management of Them), MinskRepublic of Belarus, 2005 (in Russian), and some other national regulating documents, applied to forestry in the Republic of Belarus. Author and co-author of 275 scientific publications in the field of forest fire protection, crisis phenomena, forestry violations, and forest growing. Some of them: «Lesnye Pozhary, Posledstviya i Bor’ba s Nimi» (Forest Fires, the Consequences and Fire Fighting), Gomel, 2002 (in Russian); «Produktivnost’ i Vosstanovlenie Lesnykh Fitotsenozov Posle Pozharov» (Productivity and Recovery of Forest Phytocenoses after Fires), Minsk, «Izd. Dom Belorusskaya Nauka» (Bel. Sci.), 2010 (in Russian); «Les. Chelovek. Chernobyl» (Forest. Man. Chernobyl). Coll. Sci. Works. Inst. For. Nat. Acad. Sci. Bel.», Gomel, 2004 (in Russian); «Lesnaya Pirologiya: Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov vuzov po specialnosti “Lesnoe khozyaistvo”» (Forest Pyrology: Textbook for students of higher education institutions with a specialty in Forestry), Gomel, 2011 (in Russian); «Sostoyanie i puti sovershenstvovaniya okhrany lesov ot pozharov v Respublike Belarus» In «Trudy Sankt-Peterburgskogo Instituta Lesnogo Khozyaistva» (Proc. St.-Petersburg For. Res. Inst.), 2013 (in Russian with English abstract).


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index)  161

Total Citations – 311; Hirsh Index – 6


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