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Antonov G. I., Senashova V. A., Polyakova G. G., Pashenova N. V., Zhila S. V., Grodnitskaya I. D. Influence of Innovative Biofertilizers on Soil Biological Activity and Undergrowth of Scotch Pine after Felling and Fire

Pinus sylvestris L., forest regeneration, sawdust-soil substrate, mycoproduct, enzymatic activity, wood-destroying basidiomycetes


UDC 630.43+630.221+630*114.6 (571.51)

How to cite: Antonov G. I., Senashova V. A., Polyakova G. G., Pashenova N. V., Zhila S. V., Grodnitskaya I. D. Influence of innovative biofertilizers on soil biological activity and undergrowth of Scotch pine after felling and fire // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2023. N. 4. P. 12–25 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20230402

© Antonov G. I., Senashova V. A., Polyakova G. G., Pashenova N. V., Zhila S. V., Grodnitskaya I. D., 2023

Preserving the integrity of forests after logging and fires involves the development of various methods to promote natural reforestation. One of these methods is the creation of environmentally friendly and safe biofertilizers based on waste from the timber industry. The use of innovative biofertilizer in the Pogorelsky Bor (pine forest) of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe had a positive effect on the biopotential of soils and the amount of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) undergrowth after selective felling. In the first two years, in all experimental variants, an increase in the activity of hydrolytic and redox enzymes of the soil by 1.5–2 times was noted; they increased compared to the control. Immediately after the introduction of biofertilizer in the soil microbial complex, the amount of cellulolytics increases to 62 thousand CFU/g of soil in the logging areas. By the end of the growing season, both in the first and in the second year of application of biofertilizer in the experimental variant of the logging, sprouts of Scots pine were recorded 2–3 times more than in the control variant of this site. The fire that took place in May 2022 initially led to an increase in the total number of microorganisms and an increase in the activity of a number of hydrolytic enzymes due to the incoming pyrogenic carbon. After the secondary application of OPSM+M, by September 2022, the total number of microorganisms in the experimental plots decreased by 4–10 times compared to May, due to post-fire depression. There was also a decrease in the cellulose-decomposing potential, humification and a decrease in the activity of hydrolytic and redox enzymes by more than 2 times. However, the introduction of biofertilizer significantly stimulated the formation of seedlings and undergrowth of pine trees in the post-fire technological areas of felling (logging sites and portage) by 2 times.



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