Borisov A. N., Ivanov V. V. Simulation Modeling of the Growth of Pine Stands
UDC 630*182:630*181.65:630*221.04
How to cite: Borisov A. N., Ivanov V. V. Simulation modeling of the growth of pine stands // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2022. N. 3. P. 40–47 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20220306
© Borisov A. N., Ivanov V. V., 2022
A simulation model of the growth of pine stands is proposed. The model, taking into account the competition for the available resource, allows to calculate the increase in trunk diameter for each tree in the simulated area, as well as to derive the taxation characteristics: stand density, completeness, stock of stem wood and make monitoring the dynamics of all these indicators in increments of one year. The model takes into account the relative location of trees in the tree stand, their size and the amount of available resource for each tree. The verification of the model was carried out using the materials of long-term research on permanent research plots of young, middle-aged and ripe stands. Several scenarios for the growing of pine stands are considered. The influence of cutting on the dynamics of a number of taxation characteristics is studied. These are the average diameter the average diameter of the trunk and the increase in diameter, the value of the average annual increase; the density of the stand; the stock of stem wood. The proposed simulation model is an effective tool for studying the growing of stands and serves as an alternative to time-consuming field studies, which are difficult to implement over long time intervals. Modeling allows studying the impact of logging in forests for various destinations. It is possible to choose such a system of forest care activities using the analysis of the dynamics of the main taxation indicators, which provides the most complete implementation of the tasks of intensive reforestation by varying the intensity and frequency of cutting during modeling.
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