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Klad’ko Yu. V., Ben’kova A. V., Skripal’shchikova L. N. Influence of Climatic Factors on Radial Growth of Scots Pine under the Conditions of Technogenic Pollution in the City of Krasnoyarsk

tree ring width, indexed tree ring chronologies, sliding climate correlation functions, coefficient of technogenic pollution IZA5, climate response, modification


UDC 58.084.2+ 574.21

How to cite: Klad’ko Yu. V., Ben’kova A. V., Skripal’shchikova L. N. Influence of climatic factors on radial growth of Scots pine under the conditions of technogenic pollution in the city of Krasnoyarsk // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2023. N. 5. P. 91–99 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20230512

© Klad’ko Yu. V., Ben’kova A. V., Skripal’shchikova L. N., 2023

At present, Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is widely used in the landscaping of industrial cities, despite the fact that, according to its physiological characteristics, it is not resistant to intense technogenic pollution. Thus, the study of radial growth dynamics of Scots pine trees under the influence of technogenic pollution of different composition and intensity is greatly important. The purpose of this article is to use the dendrochronological method to answer the question of whether pollution modifies the climatic response of the annual ring width of Scotch pine in the green plantations of Krasnoyarsk. The objects of the study were trees growing on three test sites (TS) exposed to the negative effects of atmospheric toxicants: 2) TS «E. Stasova str.» (pollution from vehicles, the main pollutants are CO, NO, NO2, SO2, benzo(a)pyrene, etc.); 3) TS «Park Gvardeisky» (emissions from industrial enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy and heat and power complex; the main pollutants are CO, NO, NO2, SO2, soot, fluorine compounds, benzo(a)pyrene, hydrogen sulfide, etc.); 4) TS «9 Maya str.» (total impact of emissions from motor transport and industrial enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy and heat and power complex) and on one conditionally 1) clean test site – TS «Arboretum of IL SB RAS». Based on the annual ring width data obtained in the first article of the cycle (Klad’ko, Skripal’shchikova, 2021), we calculated indexed radial increment curves for each site. To identify the climatic signal in indexed chronologies, we used the method of sliding correlation climatic response functions. At the TS 2, in comparison with the conditionally pure TS 1, an increased sensitivity of Scots pine to the temperature of middle-July, at the TS 3 an increased sensitivity to temperature of one-half of August, at the TS 4 an increased sensitivity to temperature and precipitation of middle June. The results showed that climate signal in dynamics of the radial growth of Scotch pine modified by the influence of technogenic pollution in relation its properties. 



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