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Siberian Journal of Forest Science
Knowledge of forests – a treasure for mankind
Archive (2014-2021)
Articles 2023
Archive (2014-2021)
Issue 1:
1. CONTENTS (2023, N 1)
2. Baranchikov Yu. N. Foreword from the Scientific Editor for Thematic Issue of the Siberian Journal of Forest Science
pg. 3-6;
3. Shilkina E. A., Soldatov V. V. Bacterial Wetwood in Conifers: to Cut or Preserve?
pg. 7–9;
4. Neklyaev S. E., Lipatkin V. A. The Initial Stage of Formation of the Forest Protection Science in Russia
pg. 10–28;
5. Selikhovkin A. V. Normative-Legal Basis of Forest Protection and its Efficiency in Regulation of Pest Population Density in Taiga Forests
pg. 29–42;
6. Krivets S. A., Kerchev I. A., Bisirova E. M., Smirnov N. A., Pats E. N. Small Spruce Bark Beetle Ips amitinus (Eichh.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) as a New Challenge for Forest Protection in Siberia
pg. 43–57;
7. Pashenova N. V., Seraya L. G., Baranchikov Yu. N. Using Ash Leaf Cut-Offs in Studying the Fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus Phytopathogenic Properties
pg. 58–69;
8. Grodnitskaya I. D., Senashova V. A., Trusova M. Yu., Pashkeeva O. E., Baranchikov Yu. N. Composition and Phytopathogenic Properties of Bacteria Isolated from Pinus sibirica Du Tour Wood Affected by Bacterial Wetwood in the Baikal Region
pg. 70–84;
9. Kirichenko N. I., Ryazanova M. A., Efremenko A. A. Trophic Associations and Harmfulness of Native and Alien Leaf Mining Moth Species (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in Siberia
pg. 85–97;
10. Demidko D. A., Efremenko A. A., Baranchikov Yu. N. History of the Siberian Moth Outbreaks at the Eastern Foothills of Kuznetskiy Alatau Mountains: Dendrochronolohical Reconstruction
pg. 98–110;
11. Gninenko Yu. I., Rakov A. G., Gninenko A. Yu., Gimranov R. I., Chernova U. A., Chilakhsaeva E. A., Shiryaeva N. V. Experience of Introducing the Torymid Wasp Torymus sinensis Kamijo as the Specialized Parasitoid Against the Invasive Chestnut Gall Wasp
pg. 111–118;
12. Baranchikov Yu. N., Seraya L. G. Third All-Russian Conference with International Participation «Monitoring and Biological Methods for Controlling Pests and Pathogens of Woody Plants: from Theory to Practice», 11-15 April, 2022, Moscow
pg. 119–124;
13. Baranchikov Y. N. Discovered America: in Memory of William (Bill) Wollner, a Forest Entomologist *
Issue 2:
1. CONTENTS (2023, N 2)
2. Lebedev A. V., Kuzmichev V. V. Forest Survey Parameters of Pine Tree Stands According to Long-Term Observation Data
pg. 3–16;
3. Kutyavin I. N., Manov A. V., Osipov A. F., Bobkova K. S. Long-Term Dynamics of the Composition, Structure and State of Tree Stands of Northern Taiga Pine Forests in the European North-East of Russia
pg. 17–25;
4. Surina E. A., Minin N. S. Formation of Mixed Pine-Birch Stands with a Second Storey of Spruce under the Influence of Thinning
pg. 26–32;
5. Paramonov А. А., Usoltsev V. А., Tretyakov S. V., Koptev S. V., Karaban А. A., Tsvetkov I. V., Davydov А. V., Tsepordey I. S. Yield Table of Willow Stands’ Phytomass of Arkhangelsk Oblast
pg. 33–39;
6. Goncharova O. A., Zotova O. E. Siberian Stone Pine in Urbanized Environment of the Arctic Zone
pg. 40–46;
7. Deryugin A. A., Glazunov Yu. B. The Growth and State of Spruce under the Canopy of Oxalis Birch Forests in the Southern Taiga of the European Part of Russia
pg. 47–55;
8. Lashina E. V. Operational Features of the Far East Forests
pg. 56–64;
9. Medvedeva S. O., Cherepanova О. E. Taxonomic Issues of the Genus Betula
pg. 65–75;
10. Knyazeva S. G. Morphological and Anatomical Features of the Needles of Intraspecific Variations of Common Juniper
pg. 76–84;
11. Karakulov A. V., Shaulo D. N., Shikalova E. A. A New Form of Spiraea flexuosa from Western Sayan
pg. 85–89;
12. Buyanov I. Yu., Konovalova M. E., Danilina D. M., Zhilenko N. A., Shestak K. V. Species Composition of Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Zone of Potential Impact of the Nizhneboguchanskaya Hydro Electric Power Reservoir
pg. 90–98;
13. Onuchin A. A., Pavlov I. N., Pimenov A. V. Fundamental Work on Forest Science and Mountain Forestry
pg. 99–103;
14. Iosif Afanas’evich Bekh (27.10.1927 – 09.02.2022) *
Issue 3:
1. CONTENTS (2023, N 3)
2. Sofronova A. V., Volokitina A. V. Pyrological Expertise of Oil and Gas Complexes
pg. 3–14;
3. Petrov A. I., Zalesov S. V., Kotova V. S. An Efficiency of Creation of Scots Pine Forest Crops on Dredge Dumps
pg. 15–20;
4. Rakhmatullin Z. Z., Timer’yanov A. Sh., Rakhmatullina I. R., Odintsov G. E., Gabdelkhakov A. K. Dynamics of the Tree Species’ Change in the Field-Protective Forest Belts of the Republic of Bashkortostan
pg. 21–26;
5. Makarov S. S., Antonov A. M., Alexandrova Yu. V., Lebedeva O. P., Kuznetsova I. B. Adaptation of Triploid Aspen to ex vitro Conditions Using a Hydroponic System
pg. 27–33;
6. Chernousova N. F. Species Composition and Diversity of Micromammals Communities in Forest Park Zone of Yekaterinburg with Transformation of Forest Plant Community
pg. 34–41;
7. Firsov G. A., Tkachenko K. G., Volchanskaya A. V., Staroverov N. E., Gryaznov A. Yu. Chamaecyparis obtusa in Peter the Great Botanical Garden
pg. 42–50;
8. Tret’yakova I. N. Elena Grigor’evna Minina – Outstanding Researcher of Sex and Sexual Reproduction of Forest Tree Species (To 120 Years of Birthday)
pg. 51–57;
Issue 4:
1. CONTENTS (2023, N 4)
2. Rassolov A. G., Shishikin A. S. Typology of Forest Hunting Grounds
pg. 3–11;
3. Antonov G. I., Senashova V. A., Polyakova G. G., Pashenova N. V., Zhila S. V., Grodnitskaya I. D. Influence of Innovative Biofertilizers on Soil Biological Activity and Undergrowth of Scotch Pine after Felling and Fire
pg. 12–25;
4. Burenina T. A., Fedotova E. V., Zang C. F. Altitudinal-Belt Variability of Evapotranspiration of Forest Ecosystems in the Mountains of Southern Siberia
pg. 26–40;
5. Usoltsev V. А., Tsepordey I. S. Rank Distribution of a Tree Phytomass Fractions in New Interpretation
pg. 41–51;
6. Borodintseva L. I., Tarakanov V. V., Goncharova T. V. Productivity and Quality of Seeds of the Siberian Stone Pine on Forest Seed Orchards in the Republic of Altai
pg. 52–57;
7. Dancheva A. V., Zalesov S. V., Korovina V. S. Relationship of Forest Survey Parameters with Indicators of Condition in Pine Protective Stands
pg. 58–63;
8. Tretyakov S. V., Koptev S. V., Davydov A. V., Zagorodskiy M. A., Tsvetkov I. V., Paramonov A. A., Karaban A. A. The Quality of Wood of Drained North-Taiga Pine Forests of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Determined by Express Method
pg. 64–74;
9. Makarov S. S., Upadyshev M. T., Rodin S. A., Makarova T. A., Samoylenko Z. A., Kuznetsova I. B. Adaptation of Regenerated Plants of Rubus arcticus L. to ex vitro Conditions Using Hydroponics
pg. 75–82;
Issue 5:
1. CONTENTS (2023, N 5)
2. Baranchikov Yu. N. Why do We Need Arboretums?
pg. 3–6;
3. Ioffe A. A. Arboretum of V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences as an Element of Creating New Public Space in the Сity of Krasnoyarsk
pg. 7–9;
4. Pashenova N. V., Pertsovaya A. A., Baranchikov Yu. N. The Problem of Induced Immunity in Conifers
pg. 10–13;
5. Pimenov A. V., Kirienko M. A., Plyashechnik M. A., Aniskina A. A., Loskutov S. R. The Past and the Present of the Arboretum of V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
pg. 14–22;
6. Gninenko Yu. I., Shiryaeva N. V. Invaders and Specially Protected Natural Areas: Why is an Intruder Worse?
pg. 23–31;
7. Sedel’nikova T. S., Pimenov A. V., Muratova E. N. Studies on Conifer Chromosomes under Introduction in Botanical Gardens, Arboretums and Parks
pg. 32–42;
8. Astrakhantseva N. V., Seraya L. G., Pashenova N. V., Kozhenkova A. A., Baranchikov Yu. N. Anatomical Features of the Bark as a Factor of Resistance of Fir Species to Population by the Four-Eyed Fir Bark Beetle
pg. 43–59;
9. Karpun N. N., Shoshina E. I., Plotnikov А. А., Shevelev S. G. Identification of Invasive Pests Trophic Associations on the Basis of the Collection of the Arboretum «Southern Cultures»
pg. 60–67;
10. Tretyakova A. S., Pismarkina E. V., Grudanov N. Yu., Zabuzhko D. E. Composition and Invasion Activity of Woody Plants in the Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
pg. 68–74;
11. Goncharova I. A., Kirienko M. A. The Structure of Living Ground Cover under the Various Tree Species Canopy in the Arboretum of V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
pg. 75–82;
12. Sedaeva M. I. Introduction of Plants of the Genera Forsythia and Fraxinus in the Arboretum of V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
pg. 83–90;
13. Klad’ko Yu. V., Ben’kova A. V., Skripal’shchikova L. N. Influence of Climatic Factors on Radial Growth of Scots Pine under the Conditions of Technogenic Pollution in the City of Krasnoyarsk
pg. 91–99;
14. Kirichenko N. I., Baranchikov Yu. N. The Detection of an Alien Lepidopteran Species on Maples in two Siberian Arboreta
pg. 100–108;
15. Baranchikov Yu. N. Modern Textbook on Forest Insect Pests
pg. 109–112;
16. Lebedev A. V. Valeriy Vasil’evich Kuz’michev (Celebrating 90th Birthday) *
17. Tamara Anatol’evna Vshivkova (1942 – 2022) *
Issue 6:
1. CONTENTS (2023, N 6)
2. Ivanova G. A. Foreword from the Scientific Editor for Thematic Issue of the Siberian Journal of Forest Science
pg. 3–5;
3. Ivanova G. A., Ivanov V. A., Musokhranova A. V., Onuchin A. A. Forest Fires and the Causes of Their Occurence in Central Siberia
pg. 6–16;
4. Tretyakov P. D., Ponomarev E. I. Wildfires of the Arctic Zone of Siberia under the Conditions of Climatic Changes of the XX – Early XXI Centuries
pg. 17–31;
5. Kotelnikov R. V., Chugaev A. N. Comparative Estimation of the Quality of Fire Danger Indexes in Forests
pg. 32–38;
6. Ivanov V. A., Ivanova G. A., Baksheeva E. O. Updating Regional Fire Hazard Scales for Forest Areas of Krasnoyarsk Krai
pg. 39–49;
7. Volokitina A. V. Development of an Identifier of Primary Fire Carriers (on the Example of Krasnoyarsk Priangar’e)
pg. 50–62;
8. Saltsevich Yu. V., Buryak L. V., Golovina A. N., Kukavskaya E. A. Assessment of the State of Forests Disturbed by Fires, Logging, and Insects in the Foothills of the Eastern Sayan Mountains
pg. 63–75;
9. Zhila S. V., Furyaev I. V., Kovaleva N. M. Assessment of Stocks of Forest Combustible Materials in Fir Stands, Damaged by the Four-Eyed Fir Bark Beetle in Krasnoyarsk Krai
pg. 76–84;
10. Matveeva A. G., Velikiy R. S., Grebenyuk A. L. Post-Fire Succession in Coniferous-Broad-Leaved Forests of the Anyuskiy National Park
pg. 85–97;
11. Kovaleva N. M., Ivanova G. A., Zhila S. V. The impact of Surface Fires on Ground Cover in Pine Forests of Southern Taiga
pg. 98–107;
12. Antonova G. F., Stasova V. V., Morozov A. S., Zhila S. V., Zubareva O. N. Phloem- and Xylogenesis in Scots Pine Stems in the Post-Fire Period
pg. 108–118;
13. Sekerin I. M., Zalesov S. V., Eritsov A. M., Krektunov A. A. An Experience in Extinguishing Peat-Bog Fires by Flooding
pg. 119–127;
14. Bryukhanov A. V., Kotelnikov R. V. Development of Navigation Aids and Decision Support Systems in Forest Firefighting
pg. 128–140;
15. Usenya V. V. Protection of Forests from Fires in the Republic of Belarus: Status and Ways for Improvement
pg. 141–154;
16. Ivanova G. A., Kisilyakhov E. K. Scientific Cooperation on the Problem of Forest Fires in Siberia (to the 30th Anniversary of the Bor International Experiment – 1993-2023)
pg. 155–164;
pg. 165–172;