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Montile A. I., Shavnin S. A., Montile A. A., Golikov D. Yu. The impact of Edge Effect on the Relationship of Individual Morphological Features of Scots Pine in Natural Stands and Forest Park

Pinus sylvestris L., assimilation apparatus, morphological features of trees, correlations, spatial dynamics


UDC [57.016+58.02]:57.022

How to cite: Montile A. I., Shavnin S. A., Montile A. A., Golikov D. Yu. The impact of edge effect on the relationship of individual morphological features of Scots pine in natural stands and forest park // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 1. P. 67–77 (in Russian with English abstract and references).

DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240108

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© Montile A. I., Shavnin S. A., Montile A. A., Golikov D. Yu., 2024

In natural stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) near Yekaterinburg city and in the city forest park the state of trees was studied at the edge of the tree stand and in its depth up to a distance of 225 m. On each of 16 transects there were studied 6 – 10 registration sites with a radius of 11.3 m and a distance between them of 25–33 m. For natural stands: 10 transects; 100 sites, in the forest park: 6 transects; 52 sites. The transects were located perpendicular to the edge of the stands. The relationship of the trunk diameter with foliation and branchiness, determined visually on a point scale in 2315 trees was determined. Most of the transects had south and southwest orientations. For relationships there were obtained nonlinear ratios. In them the coefficients of the variables depend on the distance to the edge of the stand. The relationship between the values of the coefficients and the factor of distance to the edge of stand is also non-linear, are described by polynomials of 4-5th degree. It is characterized by the presence of two maxima. Four zones are distinguished in natural stands (0–75 m, 100–125 m, 150–175 m, 200–225 m), characterized by different ratios of the development of trees assimilation apparatus ( for trees with the same diameters). In the forest park the width of the located between the maxima zone of decrease in the dependency of traits coefficient is greater than in natural stands. This is due to the shift of the first maximum closer, and the second – further from the edge of the stand by 25 m each. These features of the influence of urbanization are apparently explained by the influence of urban conditions on changes in the relationship between the diameter of the trunk and the development of the assimilation apparatus of trees.



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