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Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science) is registered by Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) of the Russian Federation.

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Periodical online edition - EL No. FS 77-70737 on 15 August, 2017

ISSN 2311-1410 (Print), ISSN 2312-2099 (Online) 

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Siberian Journal of Forest Science


  Number 1        January February      2014

  Open access peer-reviewed scientific journal 

Established January 2014

Founder: Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center 

Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch


It is published bimonthly, 6 times per year

ISSN 2312-2099 (Online) 




Alexander A. Onuchin


Associate Editors-in-Chief

Igor M. Danilin, Tamara S. Sedel'nikova;



Managing Editor

Larisa N. Skripal'shchikova



Associate Editors

Galina F. Antonova (RF), Natalia E. Antonova (RF), Stanislav P. Arefyev (RF), Sezgin Ayan (Turkey), 

Vladimir F. Baginskiy (Belarus), Eugene V. Banaev (RF), Yuri N. Baranchikov (RF), Kirsten Barrett (UK), 

Sergei А. Bartalev (RF), Sergei M. Bebiya (Abkhazia), Alexander I. Belyaev (RF), Vera E. Benkova (RF), 

Kapitolina S. Bobkova (RF), Jiquan Chen (USA), Tumen N. Chimitdorziev (RF), Chimidnyam Dorjsuren (Mongolia), 

Chultem Dugarjav (Mongolia), Alexey A. Dymov (RF), Steve Eubanks (USA), Svetlana Yu. Evgrafova (RF), 

Sergey N. Goroshkevich (RF), Irina D. Grodnitskaya (RF), Andrei N. Gromtsev (RF), Georg Guggenberger (Germany), 

Аlexander P. Isaev (RF), Galina A. Ivanova (RF), Vladislav N. Kalaev (RF), Olga V. Kalugina (RF), 

Vyacheslav I. Kharuk (RF), Alexander V. Kirdyanov (RF), Natal'ya I. Kirichenko (RF), Alexander P. Kovalev (RF), 

Yuri N. Krasnoshchekov (RF), Кonstantin V. Krutovsky (RF, Germany), Alexander M. Kryshen (RF), 

Konstantin N. Kulik (RF), Andrei N. Kupriyanov (RF), Qinglin Li (Canada), Sune Linder (Sweden), 

Sergei R. Loskutov (RF), Tatyana A. Moskalyuk (RF), Elena N. Muratova (RF), Sergei V. Osipov (RF), 

Igor N. Pavlov (RF), Heli Peltola (Finland), Viliam Pichler (Slovakia), Alexander V. Pimenov (RF), 

Anatoly S. Prokushkin (RF), Dmitriy G. Schepaschenko (RF, Austria), Christiane Schmullius (Germany), 

Olga A. Shapchenkova (RF), Olga V. Shergina (RF), Alexander S. Shishikin (RF), Svetlana D. Shlotgauer (RF), 

Anatoly Z. Shvidenko (RF, Austria), Vladimir A. Sokolov (RF), Vladimir V. Soldatov (RF),

Vladislav G. Soukhovolsky (RF), Ge Sun (USA), Vyacheslav V. Tarakanov (RF), Аlexander N. Tashev (Bulgaria), 

Elena E. Timoshok (RF), Josef Urban (Czechia), Vladimir V. Usenya (Belarus), Vladimir A. Usoltsev (RF), 

Eugene A. Vaganov (RF), Viktor I. Voronin (RF), Chuankuan Wang (China), Adam X. Wei (Canada), 

Yulay A. Yanbaev (RF), Vasily T. Yarmishko (RF)


Leading Editor

Tat'yana A. Nikitina

Scientific Editor

Kseniya A. Kryukova

Technical Editor

Tat'yana R. Pantyukhina


Address for journal office:

Russian Federation, 660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50/28

V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS

Editorial office for the Siberian Journal of Forest Science

Phones: +7 (391) 249-4639; +7 (391) 290-5516

e-mail:;; сибирскийлеснойжурнал.рф



Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

© Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center, 

Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 2022

© V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, 

Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, 2022

The main topics of the journal

  • Forest science, forestry, forest planning, forest inventory
  • Structure, dynamics and functioning of forest ecosystems
  • Forest ecosystem functions and their change under global and regional climate processes and anthropogenic impact
  • Forest geography, ecology and typology
  • Forest landscape ecology
  • Forest genetics, selection, breeding and introduction of woody plants, dendrology
  • forest resource science, botany, etnobotany
  • Silviculture, forest plantations
  • Physiology and biochemistry of forest plants
  • Biotechnology, wood science, chemical processing of wood and non wood forest products Dendrochronology
  • Forest hydrology
  • Forest fire research
  • Forest entomology, forest zoological complexes
  • Forest phytocenology
  • Forest soil science
  • Forest health, microbiology, mycology and pathogens
  • Forest melioration and restoration
  • Forest policy, economics, management and legislation
  • Remote sensing and GIS methods applicable for evaluation of biosphere functions of forests

Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science) publishes scientific papers under the headings: "Summarizing Articles", "Methodical Articles", "Research Articles", "Short Communications", "Reviews", "Scientific Heritage", "Chronicle", "International Cooperation", "Scientist's Opinion", "Jubilees", "In Memoriam", aimed at understanding the laws and regularities of forest nature. It covers a variety of topics related to problems of biological diversity at all levels of its organization population, species, ecosystem, including articles on anthropogenic and technogenic transformation of forest ecosystems. The journal is not limited to the problems of Siberian forests; it accepts and publishes high quality scientific papers from different regions of the world, representing general scientific interest.

Sibirskij Lesnoi Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science) is an international, robust and neutral triple-blind peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal, covering a wide range of forest science, forestry, forest management, forest inventory, genetics and breeding, forest ecology and economy issues, and representing the science of complex patterns of the structure, function and development of forest ecosystems and the use of forest resources by man.

Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science) ISSN 2312–2099 (Online)) is published by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Russian and in English.

Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science) is indexing in an international scientific databases:  The List of peer-reviewed scientific editions, where should be published main scientific results of dissertations for Candidate of Sciences (PhD) degree, dissertations for Doctor of Sciences (DSc) degree (by 09 December 2024) (Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal. Siberian Journal of Forest Science – No. 2534, Category К2 (No. 1914), based on the results of the final distribution of journals of the List of Higher Attestation Commissions into categories K1, K2, K3 in 2023), by three groups of scientific specialties: 03.01.00 – Physical-Chemical Biology (since 01.07.2019); 03.02.00 – General Biology, and 06.03.00 – Forestry (since 26.03.2019); Peer-reviewed scientific editions, included to an international reviewing data bases and citation systems (by 25 September 2017) (Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal – No. 863, 2014-2017)), is prepared to be included to an international databases of scientific periodicals: Academic Journals DatabaseSpringer, Scopus, Web of Science. Full-text articles are posted online on the journal's website: сибирскийлеснойжурнал.рф (in Russian), (in English – currently the articles’ abstracts).