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Manuscript guidelines

Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Siberian Journal of Forest Science), ISSN 2311-1410 (Print), ISSN 2312-2099 (Online), is an international, robust and neutral double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access journal, covering a wide range of forest science, forestry, forest management, forest inventory, genetics and breeding, forest ecology and economics issues. The journal covers the science of complex patterns of the structure, function and development of forest ecosystems and the use of forest resources by man. It publishes scientific papers under the headings: "Research Articles", "Reports", "Short Communications", "News &, Views", "Events", "Book Reviews", and "Celebrations", aimed at understanding the science and functioning of forests. The journal covers a variety of topics related to all areas of biological diversity-population dynamics, species, and ecosystems--including articles on anthropogenic and technogenic transformation of forest ecosystems. The journal is not limited to the problems of Siberian forests; it accepts and publishes high quality scientific papers from different regions of the world, representing general scientific interest. Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original works that are not under review in any other journals.

The main topics of the journal

  • Forest science, forestry, forest planning, forest inventory
  • Structure, dynamics and functioning of forest ecosystems
  • Forest ecosystem functions and their change under global and regional climate processes and anthropogenic impact
  • Forest geography, ecology and typology
  • Forest landscape ecology
  • Forest genetics, selection, breeding and introduction
  • Silviculture, forest plantations
  • Physiology and biochemistry of forest plants
  • Biotechnology, wood science, chemical processing of wood and non wood forest products.
  • Dendrochronology
  • Forest hydrology
  • Forest fire research
  • Forest entomology, forest zoological complexes
  • Forest phytocenology
  • Forest soil science
  • Forest health, microbiology, mycology and pathogens
  • Forest melioration and restoration
  • Forest policy, economics, management and legislation
  • Remote sensing and GIS methods applicable for evaluation of biosphere functions of forests.

The journal is issued once every 2 months (6 issues annually). It is published in Russian (ISSN 2311-1410) and is translated into English.

Apart from being concerned with any one of the above research fields, a submitted paper should contain novel information that will help advance understanding.

Papers on medicine, veterinary medicine, municipal economy, social and political activities, and those containing large tables summarizing taxons will be rejected. Papers describing scientific results obtained at a local or regional level are not recommended for submission, as a wide scientific community may not find this kind of information interesting.

Siberian Journal of Forest Science is committed to maintaining high standards through a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies. Any infringements of professional ethical codes, such as plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, should be taken very seriously by the editors with no tolerance.

The submitted manuscript should be original, has not been formally published elsewhere and is not under consideration by any other journal or conference; and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights.

The Editorial Board invites authors in preparing manuscripts to be guided by the following rules. Manuscripts that do not follow the preparation information will not be considered for publication.

The guidelines below are intended to help authors prepare their manuscripts for publication and to ease a layout person’s work. The final paper quality and date of publication will depend on how well the manuscript was prepared. 

Manuscripts should be submitted in an electronic version to the "Add paper" section of the journal website "sibjforsci.comor to Larisa N. Skripal'shchikova, Executive Secretary, Siberian Journal of Forest Science Editorial Board by email lara@ksc.krasn.ruPhone: +7 (391) 243-3686. 

Manuscript Preparation for Submission 

Manuscripts should be prepared with MS Word for Windows software (*.doc, *.rtf formats). All lines in text should be one-and-a-half (1.5)-spaced. Type in 14-point Times New Roman font. Use 2.5 cm margins on all four sides of pages and 1 cm indention. The page limit for a manuscript is 25 pages, including tables, figures, and literature cited. Invited papers, reviews, and issue-of-the-day papers may be up to 30 pages long.


  • UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) (uppercase letters, left justified);
  • Paper title with uppercase first letters and in bold font;
  • Author (s)’ initials and surname (s). Initials should be one space apart;
  • Author (s) identification: the name, mailing address, and e-mail of the institution where the study was conducted (lowercase, italicized letters; centered).

Biospheric Functions of Forests and Their Changes due to Global and Regional Climate Processes and Anthropogenic Impact

I. I. Ivanov1, P. P. Petrov2

V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch 
Academgorodok, 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036 Russian Federation 
2 Centre for Problems of Ecology and Productivity of Forests, Russian Academy of Sciences  
Profsoyuznaya str., 84/32, Moscow, 117997 Russian Federation


  • An extended abstract of 200-250 words;
  • Keywords (not more than 10 words, in lower case, in italics);
  • Introduction; Research Goals (Objectives); Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References.


UDC 574.9: 630.2

The paper describes changes of biospheric functions of forests caused by global and regional climatic changes and human impacts in the context of the contemporary paradigm of environment management and sustainable development. The most promising research directions are dicussed. ...

Keywords: biospheric functions of forests, global and regional climate processes, anthropogenic impact

Table requirements:

  • Tables should be numbered consistently throughout the text;
  • All table columns should be headed and divided by vertical lines;
  • Only well-known abbreviations are allowed in table column headings;
  • Values in a table should be placed straight along lines;
  • Fractional values (both in a table and in a manuscript text) should be broken by a period (e.g. 25.7; 0.877);
  • Do not reduplicate data in tables, graphs and text;


Table 1. The major species indicators of communities of forest types with feather moss and tall grass ground vegetation

Put a hyphen (–) where no data are available.

A large table may be typed using 12-point and 11-point Times New Roman font.


  • All abbreviations, except for the most common, should be clearly explained.
  • In compound abbreviations, the components should be separated by one space.
  • Chemical compound abbreviations or formulas used in compound words should be hyphenated (e.g., OH-group; Na+-form).
  • A hyphen is denoted by ‘- ’ sign.
  • Hyphen(s) without spaces at both ends should be used to show a system (e.g., Pb–Sn–Te (a lead-tin-tellurium) system; HCL–H2SO4–HCLO4 system), alloy, mixture, boundary (e. g., gas-water boundary), dependence (e.g., lgn–G dependence in C-T coordinates), and range of values (e. g., 159–170 °С; January-February; A-B sector; during 3-5 s; pp. 123-127; Ce–Pr series). It is also used in compound family names (e.g., Clausius-Clapeyron equation ) and compound geographic names (e. g., Altay-Sayan Mountain Land). More examples: N-methyl…; 3.3-dimethyl-heptane; cis-dimethyl ethylene; Y-radiation; the Jura-Creta period; Prof. Stocks-Johnson; DRON-3 device; Pambak-Sevan Break; early-middle Proterozoic; sample 83-4; 1-1 section (profile).
  • Do not use hyphens single-spaced at both ends in combinations such as above.

Boiling temperature value deviation is ±1.5 °С (but Тboil = 100 ± 1.5 °С). During ~20 min. Ethanol:water = 1 : 1. A repetition factor of ×200. 
Use only «×» as the multiplication symbol (e.g., 5 × 10–3 mole/l). Use «•» symbol only in vector equations (e.g., a • b) and in chemical formulas (e.g., CuSO4 7H2O). 
Use «×» multiplication symbol only: 
In a scalar product of vectors (e.g., a × b); 
If this symbol denotes an increase level or repetition (e.g., ×200). Otherwise, the symbol is omitted (e.g., 2х, fi\, 4nn). 
Do not italicize subscripts where they stand for words (e.g., Нmin , Тmax), and do so in all other cases (e.g., Ср , Ei). 
Indexes and indicators of the same order should be accurately aligned in each equation line – subscripts below and superscripts above (e.g., Em0in = 0, фm0ax = 0). 
Latin symbols should be in italics (a-radiation), whereas Greek symbols should not (a-radiation), except where they occur in an italicized line (in second-degree headings). 
Decimal parts of numbers should be separated by a period (5.25), not by a comma. 
Degrees Celsius should by typeset like 5 °С (‘C’ should not be omitted). Do not omit the angle degree symbol (5°–10°, but not 5–10°); along figure axes typeset G, deg., but not 9°. For melting temperature, use Тmelt, but not Уmelt; along figure axes: Тmelt, °С. 
Use ' and "symbols for angular minutes and seconds, respectively (e.g., 5°15'25"). 
Typeset pH 7, nd = 5.998, instead of pH = 7, nd 5.998. 
Do not italicize molarity and normality (e.g., 0.5 M KOH, 2 N HCl). 
Type ellipsis, but not hyphen in intervals between numbers preceded by signs (e.g., –5...–1 °С, +1...+5 °С, but not –5 ---- 1 °С).
(1) if it is followed by a number (e.g., 2 × 10–3, М × 104);
(2) to show that an equation is continued on the line below;
Units of measurement and values should be one space apart (e.g., 100 kPa, 77 K, 10.34(2) А), except for ppm symbols (e.g. 35‰). Components of compound measurement units should be separated from each other by a slash (e.g., 58 J/mole; 50 m/s2).

Figures (color and in gradation of gray) and tables should be placed at the points of their first text references. Place a figure caption below the referenced figure and align it with page figure width. In a caption heading, the word ‘Figure’ is abbreviated to ‘Fig’ with a period at the end of it. Place the figure number after the abbreviation with a period after the number. The caption text follows the heading and period is put at the end of it.


Fig. 1. Plantations of 7-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk Science Center, Siberian Br., Russian Academy of Sciences

All figures should be additiionally submitted in the electronic form as separate files in CorelDRAW (*CDR, *CMX, *WMF), Statistica, Excel, Word programs, photographs should be in Adobe Photoshop (*CMYK, *JPEG, *TIF, *BMP, *PCX), with a resolution of at least 400 dpi. If the words you want to put in a graphic figure are too long and encumbering, use numbers or letters that are clearly explained in a note immediately below the figure. These numbers and letters should be proportional to the figure size to be legible in the final (journal) version of a paper. The factors that were measured and the units of measurement should be typed along the axes of a graph. Figures should not exceed ¼ of the whole manuscript volume and should be consistently numbered throughout a manuscript.  

Place a table caption above the referenced table and align it with the page width. The word ‘Table’ is in bold font and should not be abbreviated. Put a period after a table number. No period after a table caption.

Number the pages of your manuscript and put the date of mailing on the last page.

A manuscript should include an abstract and keywords.

Literature Cited Section 

Use the author-date method to refer to literature in the text and put references in parentheses. If several references are listed together, list them chronologically (Pilli et al. 2006; Næsset et al. 2005). Do not refer to unpublished studies.

List all citations in the alphabetical order. Authors’ initials and names should be italicized. Initials should be followed by one space periods and separated from an author’s surname by one space (e. g., B. J. Jones). List initials and names of all coauthors. Don't use abbreviation "et al.", nevertheless number of coauthors in the citation. Titles of journals in the literature section may be abbreviated (cut).


Næsset E., Bollandsås O.M., Gobakken T. Comparing regression methods in estimation of biophysical properties of forest stands from two different inventories using laser scanner data // Rem. Sens. Environ. 2005. V. 94. N. 4. P. 541–553.

Pilli R., Anfodillo T., Carrer M. Towards a functional and simplified allometry for estimating forest biomass // For. Ecol. Manag. 2006. V. 237. N. 1–3. P. 583–593.

Remote sensing of forest environments. Concepts and case studies / Ed. by M. A. Wulder and S. E. Franklin. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 2003. 519 p.

At the end of a manuscript there should be a separate page with author identification(s) including his/her color photograph at a resolution not less than 300 dpi, full name, job title, scientific degree, place of work, work address, official telephone number, and e-mail address. A contact author should be specified. If this author is replaced by another person, please notify the journal editorial board immediately. Author(s) identifications will be uploaded onto ‘Our Authors section of the journal website.

Use only SI units. Be sure that biological nomenclature codes are followed. Italicized scientific names of species and intraspecific taxons in parentheses should follow the first mention of each common name. Scientific names are followed by taxon discoverer’s name (e.g., Larix sibirica Ledeb., Dendrolimus sibiricus Tschetv. Such combinations as sp.n., gen.n., syn.n. should be in bold font.

Hours should be separated from minutes by a colon (e.g., 3:50).

Do not use periods after Universal Decimal classification (UDC) section, paper title, listed paper authors, addresses, headings, subheadings, table captions, measurement units (s for second; g for gram), and in subscripts (e.g., Тfp for fusion point temperature).

Use periods after footnotes (including those below tables), figure captions, abstract, abbreviations for ‘year’ (yr.), ‘minute’ (min.), ‘degrees’ (deg.).

Typeset equations in MS Word for Windows equation editor. Do not italicize mathematical symbols, such as sine, sh, Re, ind, dim, lim, inf, log, max, exp, and zero, and chemical element symbols.


Do not italicize atom symbols denoting where a fragment is added (e.g., N-methyl-pyrrolidone). Greek prefixes, such as ‘bis’ and ‘tris’ should be italicized (e.g., bis-trifluoromethyl-zocyanate).

Prefixes denoting molecular isomerism (cis, trans, gosh, meta, (m), para, (p), ortho, (o), n, iso, tret, bis, and tris should be italicized and separated by a hyphen (e.g., cis-trans-transfer; para-position; ortho-cresol). The exceptions are ‘isopropyl alcohol’, ‘isobutyl’, which has two forms: phluorine-butyl and tret-butyl, and names of non-organic compounds where the above prefixes have a different sense (e.g., metavanadates; orthophosphoric acid).

A submitted manuscript will be subjected to careful review by at least two experts in the field.

Authors are expected to revise their manuscripts in accordance with all reviewers’ remarks, comments, and questions and to return the corrected version within 1 month. In case of delay, the manuscript will be considered as newly submitted. Please attach answers and comments to reviewers’ remarks.

The decision to accept a paper for publication will be made by the journal editorial board.

After the review has been done, the paper has been accepted, the authors will been notified of that by the Siberian Journal of Forest Science editorial board. 

The journal editorial board has the right to make changes in a manuscript that are discussed with and agreed to by the author(s) at the paper proof-reading stage.

Manuscripts sent to the journal will not be returned.

Publication of papers in Siberian Journal of Forest Science is free of charge for authors.