Gireva A. V., Shabalina O. M., Pavlova D. Yu. Variability of Morphometric Characteristics of Siberian fir Shoot by Absolute Height Gradient in the National Park «Krasnoyarskie Stolby»
1 National Park «Krasnoyarskie Stolby»
Kar’ernaya str., 26A, Krasnoyarsk, 660006 Russian Federation
Prospekt Svobodny, 79, Krasnoyarsk, 660041 Russian Federation
UDC 674.032.475.243(581.44;275.21)+527.623.1+502.4
How to cite: Gireva A. V.1, Shabalina O. M.2, Pavlova D. Yu.1 Variability of morphometric characteristics of Siberian fir shoot by absolute height gradient in the national park «Krasnoyarskie Stolby» // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 2. P. 50–58 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240206
EDN: …
© Gireva A. V., Shabalina O. M., Pavlova D. Yu., 2024
The features of individual variability of morphometric characteristics of the shoot of Siberian fir (Abies sibirica Ledeb.), growing at different altitudes on the northern macroslope of the Eastern Sayan in the territory of the Krasnoyarskie Stolby National Park, were studied. Siberian fir on the northern macroslope of the Eastern Sayan is found over the entire range of absolute heights – from low mountains to middle mountains. However, it was found as part of a tree stand in various forest types and does not demonstrate a strict phytocenotic association. Apparently, in this area, Siberian fir is in conditions of its ecological and phytocenotic optimum. The annual growth and leaf cover of the shoot varies at an average level, the length of the needles – mainly at a low level, the width of the needles – at a very low level. The length and width of needles, characterized by low variability, can be recommended for diagnostic purposes. A comparative analysis of the average values of the studied characteristics showed that as the absolute height increases, there is a statistically significant decrease in the annual growth, length and width of Siberian fir needles, as well as an increase in the shoot cover. Fir shoots from the Krasnoyarskie Stolby National Park (Eastern Sayan) are distinguished by higher values of annual growth, shoot cover and needle length, while the width of the needles is greater in fir from the Western Sayan. The observed differences may be associated not only with climatic differences in the regions, but also with different phytocenotic confinement of the studied cenopopulations. The annual growth of shoots and their cover significantly depend on the meteorological conditions of the year. A close correlation of these characteristics with the July temperature and air humidity in May and July is shown. There was no significant influence of weather conditions of the year on the morphometric characteristics of fir needles.
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