Glazunov Yu. B., Polyakova G. A., Korotkov S. A., Lezhnev D. V. Natural Reforestation in Clearcut Area in Serebryanoborsky Experimental Forestry
1 Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences
Sovetskaya str., 21, Uspenskoe, Odintsovsky District, Moscow Oblast, 143030 Russian Federation
2 Mytischinski Branch of N. E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Pervaya Institutskaya str., 1, Mytishchi, Moscow Oblast, 141005 Russian Federation
UDC 574.42
How to cite: Glazunov Yu. B.1, Polyakova G. A.1, Korotkov S. A.1, 2, Lezhnev D. V.1 Natural reforestation in clearcut area in Serebryanoborsky experimental forestry // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 2. P. 74–83 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240209
EDN: …
© Glazunov Yu. B., Polyakova G. A., Korotkov S. A., Lezhnev D. V., 2024
The character of restorative forest successions after catastrophic disturbances is largely determined by their initial stage. The natural regeneration of tree and shrub species has been investigated, taking into account the influence of herbaceous vegetation on this process in two clear cut area at the site of the 2017 windfall in near Moscow Oblast. The type of clear cut area is mixed herbs with predominance of reed grass. The soil-forming rocks are sandy loam and light loam. Accounting for the natural renewal of tree and shrub species and living ground cover was carried out on circular test plots with an area of 10 m2, located at different distances from the edges. 102 species of herbs were found. Clearings differ in the species composition of herbaceous vegetation. The Jaccard similarity index was 37.3 %. This difference is due to the presence of rare species, the most represented species are found in both clear cut area. In clear cut area No. 1, 17 species of trees and shrubs were noted, and in clear cut area No. 2, 13 species. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), silver (Betula pendula Roth.) and moor (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) birch, and aspen (Populus tremula L.) dominated in both clearings. Successful regeneration of pine trees was noted at a distance of no more than 50 m from the forest wall. Small-leaved species are found throughout in the clear cut area. The amount of natural reforestation of pine significantly exceeds the amount of birch and aspen, at the same time, pine is much inferior to these species in height. Among herbaceous plants, the renewal of pine is most hindered by the reed grass (Calamagrostis arundinacea (L) Roth.), and among deciduous species – aspen. For the successful formation of pine stands, it is recommended to carry out thinning.
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