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Grodnitsky Dmitry L’vovich

Grodnitsky Dmitry L’vovich

Grodnitsky Dmitry L’vovich, born 26 April, 1962, deceased 13 March, 2018 in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Graduated from Leningrad State University (at the present time – Saint Petersburg State University), Faculty of Biology and Soil Science (at the present time – Faculty of Biology), with a specialty in Biology (1984). Doctor of Biological Sciences in Entomology (1996). Professor for Krasnoyarsk Territorial Institute for Teachers’ Postgraduate Education and Professional Retraining (2003). Research interests in forest ecology and entomology, evolutionary theory, insect flapping flight, teaching biology. Winner of the Academy of Europe Prize for the research on «Physical Bases of Insect Flapping Flight Evolution» (1995). Associate Editor for «Euroasian Entomological Journal». Author and co-author of more than 90 papers and 6 books. Some of them: «Form and Function of Insect Wings: The Evolution of Biological Structures», Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1999; «Siberian Forest Insects. The First Colored Atlas for Foresters», Krasnoyarsk, 1999 (in Russian); «Две теории биологической эволюции» (Two Theories of Biological Evolution), Saratov, 2002 (in Russian with English summary); «Zaschita Lesov Sibiri ot Vredonosnykh Nasekomykh. Nauchnye Osnovaniya Technologii» (Protection of Forests in Siberia from Harmful Insects. Scientific Bases of Technology), Krasnoyarsk, 2004 (in Russian).


Papers in – 38

Total citations – 217; Hirsch index – 6.

Papers in Google Scholar – 72

Total Google Scholar citations – 382; Google Scholar Hirsh index – 7.

Papers in Scopus – 9

Total Scopus citatations  23; Scopus Hirsh index  3.

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection – 20

Total Web of Science Core Collection citations – 127

Web of Science Core Collelction Hirsh index – 6.

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