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Onuchin Alexander Alexandrovich

Onuchin Alexander Alexandrovich

Onuchin Alexander Alexandrovich, born 16 February, 1951 in the village of Erlykovka, Beryozovsky DistrictKrasnoyarsk KraiSoviet Union (since 1992 – Russia). Graduated from the Sib. Inst. Technol. (SibIT) (in 1997 SibIT renaimed to Sib. St. Univ. Technol. (SibSUT), in 2016 SibSUT affiliated to Reshetnev Sib. St. Univ. Sci. Technol.)Faculty of Forestry (at the present time - Institute of Forestry Engineering), with a specialty in Forestry, qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk KraiSoviet Union (1977). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) in Forest Science and Forestry; Forest Fires and Fire Fighting (1987), Doctor of Biological Sciences (2003), Professor (2013) in Ecology. PhD thesis: «Transformatsiya tverdykh atmosfernykh osadkov gornymi lesami Khamar-Dabana» (Transformation of Solid Atmospheric Precipitation by Mountain Forests of Khamar-Daban), Krasnoyarsk, V. N. Sukachev Inst. For. and Timber, Sib. Br., USSR Acad. Sci. (since 1992 – V. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br.), 1987 (in Russian). DSc thesis: «Vlagooborot gornykh lesov Sibiri (lokal'nye i regional'nye osobennosti)» (Hydrologic Cycle of Mountain Forests of Siberia (Local and Regional Features)), KrasnoyarskV. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., 2003 (in Russian). Director, Head for the Laboratory of Forest and Soil ScienceV. N. Sukachev Inst. For., Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., Fed. Res. Center Krasnoyarsk Sci. Center, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br., in the city of KrasnoyarskRussia (2007-present). Expert in forestry, forest ecology, hydrology and climatology. Head and supervisor for an international research projects, directed to biosphere role of forests and sustainable forest management. Editor-in-chief for peer-reviewed scientific journal «Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal» (Sib. J. For. Sci.), member of the editorial boards of the peer-reviewed theoretical journals: «Lesovedenie» (Rus. J. For. Sci.), «Sibirskiy Ekologicheskiy Zhurnal (Sib. J. Ecol.)», «Contemporary Problems of Ecology», «Khvoynye Boreal'noy Zony (Coniferous of the Boreal Zone)». Author and co-author of more than 220 scientific publications, incl. 7 books, 3 patents of the Russian Federation for an invention. 


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) 227

Total Citations – 1698; Hirsch Index – 18


Papers in Scopus 31

Total Scopus Citations – 320; Scopus Hirsh Index – 9

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 26

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations 284

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index 10
Патент на изобретение (Способ формирования карбоновых ферм. Онучин А.А., Данилин И.М.).jpg
патент (Онучин).jpg

Authors articles

1. Onuchin A. A., Burenina T. A., Ziryukina N. V., Farber S. K. Impact of Forest Harvesting and Forest Regeneration on Runoff Dynamics at Watersheds of Central Siberia
2. Onuchin A. A. From the Editor-in-Chief (2014, N 2)
3. Onuchin A. A. From the Editor-in-Chief (2014, N 3)
4. Onuchin A. A. From the Editor-in-Chief (2014, N 4)
5. Onuchin A. A. From the Editor-in-Chief (2014, N 5)
6. Onuchin A. A. From the Editor-in-Chief (2014, N 6)
7. Onuchin A. A. From the Editor-in-Chief (2015, N 1)
8. Onuchin A. A. From the Editor-in-Chief (2015, N 2)
9. Onuchin A. A. The Reasons for Conceptual Contradictions in Evaluating Hydrological Role of Boreal Forests
10. Pshenichnikova L. S., Evdokimenko M. D., Ivanov V. V., Onuchin A. A., Soukhovolsky V. G. Scientific Heritage of Alexey Ivanovich Buzykin (to 80 Years of Birthday)
11. Shvidenko A. Z., Schepaschenko D. G., Kraxner F., Onuchin A. A. Transition to Sustainable Forest Management in Russia: Theoretical and Methodological Backgrounds
12. Onuchin A. A., Burenina T. A., Balzter H., Tsykalov A. G. New Look at Understanding Hydrological Role of Forest
13. Krasnoshchekov Yu. N., Evdokimenko M. D., Onuchin A. A. Postpyrogenic Digression of Forest Ecosystems in the Mountain Cis-Baikal Region
14. Onuchin A. A., Pimenov A. V., Muratova E. N. All-Russian Conference with International Participation «Forest Ecosystems of Boreal Zone: Biodiversity, Bioeconomy, Ecological Risks»
15. Onuchin A. A. Foreword From the Scientific Editor for Thematic Issue of the Siberian Journal of Forest Science
16. Onuchin A. A., Petrenko A. E., Sobachkin D. S., Sobachkin R. S. Reaction of Young Pine Stands in Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe to Thinning and Application of Nitrogen Fertilizers
17. Onuchin A. A., Sobachkin D. S., Sobachkin R. S. Petrenko A. E., Ivanov V. V. Reaction of Middle-Aged Pine Stands in Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe to Nitrogen Fertilizers and Thinning
18. Pshenichnikova L. S., Onuchin A. A., Sobachkin R. S., Petrenko A. E. The Growth Specifics of Pine Crops of Various Density in the Siberian Southern Taiga
19. Onuchin A. A., Pavlov I. N., Pimenov A. V. Fundamental Work on Forest Science and Mountain Forestry
20. Ivanova G. A., Ivanov V. A., Musokhranova A. V., Onuchin A. A. Forest Fires and the Causes of Their Occurence in Central Siberia
21. Onuchin A. A., Aryasov V. E., Schemberg A. M. Specificity of Increment of Young Pine Stands of Different Density in Krasnoyarsk Forest-Steppe in the Context of Efficiency of Assimilation Apparatus

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