Schepaschenko Dmitry Gennadievich, born 18 January, 1966 in Belgorod Oblast, USSR (Russia). Graduated from Moscow Institute of Forest Technology (MIFT) (in 1993 MIFT renaimed to Moscow State Forest University (MSFU), in 2016 MSFU reorganized to Mytishchinski Branch of N. E. Bauman Moscow State University of Technology), Forestry Faculty (at the present time – Faculty of Forestry, Forest Industry Technology, and Landscape Development), with a specialty in Forestry, and qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Mytishchi, Moscow Oblast, Russia (1988). Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD) in Soil Science (1993), Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor in Ecology (2005). PhD thesis: "Lesorastitel'naya Otsenka Pochv Severo-Vostochnoy Yakutii" (Forest Vegetation Assessment of Soils of the North-Eastern Yakutia), Moscow, V. V. Dokuchaev Soil Sci. Inst., 1993 (in Russian). DSc. thesis: "Biologicheskaya Produktivnost' i Byudzet Ugleroda Listvennichnykh Lesov Severo-Vostoka Rossii" (Biological Productivity and Carbon Budget of Larch Forests at the North-East of Russia), Moscow, Moscow St. For. Univ., 2005 (in Russian). Professor for the Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Forestry, Forest Industry Technology, and Landscape Development, Mytishchinski Br. N. E. Bauman Moscow St. Techn. Univ. (MSFU), in the city of Mytishchi, Moscow Oblast, Russia (since 2005 to present time). Member of the Academic Council of MSFU. Research Scholar for the Ecosystems Services and Management research program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in the city of Laxenburg, Austria (since 2007 to present time). Associate Editor for Siberian Journal of Forests Science (since 2017). Research interests in biogeochemical carbon cycle, forest dynamics, full carbon account of Northern Eurasia, remote sensing application. Author and co-author of more than 120 peer-reviewed papers.
Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 78
Total citations – 1712; Hirsch index – 22.
Papers in Scopus – 48
Total Scopus citations – 1075; Scopus Hirsh Index – 19.
Papers in Web of Science Core Collection – 4
Total Web of Science Core Collection citations – 141;
Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh index – 3.