Sprintsin Samuil Moiseevich
Sprintsin Samuil Moiseevich, born 20 July, 1945 in the city of Moscow, USSR (Russia). Graduated from Moscow Forest Engineering Institute (MFEI) (at the present time – Moscow State Forest University), Forestry Faculty, with a specialty Engineer of Forestry (1968). Candidate of Economical Sciences (PhD) in Economics of Nature Management (1982). PhD thesis: «Issledovanie Ekonomicheskoi Effektivnosti Ispolzovaniya Myagkolistvennoi Drevesiny» (The Study of Cost Efficiency of the Use of Soft Wood), Moscow, MFEI, 1982 (in Russian). Senior Research Scientist, Head of Department, Project Manager on forecast of development of forestry and forest industry in USSR at All-Union Forest Economy Research Institute in Moscow (1970-1991). Since 1991 live in Israel. Chief Engineer for the Southern Region, Israel Forest Service of the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, KKL) (1992-2015). PI, expert in forestry, forest inventory, GIS and forest ecology at Forest Department of EIG Group, in the city of Modiin, Israel. In recent years participated and has repeatedly presented papers at various international conferences and seminars on forestry issues (USA, 2005; Russia, Novosibirsk, 2013; Moscow, 2014, 2016). Author and co-author of more than 60 scientific publications. Some of them: «Lesa i Lesnoe Khozyaistvo Izrailya» (Forests and Forestry of Israel), 2013 (in Russian).
E-mail: prin@zahav.net.il