
Sudachkova Nina Eugenievna, born 07 May, 1936. Graduated from Moscow Forest Engineering Institute (at the present time – Moscow State Forest University), Forestry Faculty, with a specialty in Forestry (1958). Doctor of Biological Sciences (1982), Professor (1991) in Ecology and Physiology of Plants. Chief Research Scientist for the Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Biology of Woody Plants at V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, where works since 1960, starting with the laboratory assistant. Expert in environmental physiology and biochemistry of woody plants. Scientific interests in study processes of xylogenesis regulation as the main component of the productivity of woody plants and biochemical mechanism of adaptation of woody plants to stresses. «The Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation» (1995). Have an organizational and educational experience. Advised 6 PhD students. Awarded medal «For Distinguished Work». Author and co-author of more than 200 papers, including 5 monographs. Some of them: «Physiology of the Siberian Stone Pine», Moscow, Nauka, 1967 (in Russian); «Metabolizm Khvoinykh i Formirovanie Drevesiny» (Metabolism of Coniferous and Wood Formation), Novosibirsk, Nauka. Sib. Br., 1977 (in Russian); «Fiziologiya Sosny Obyknovennoi» (Physiology of Scots Pine), Novosibirsk, Nauka. Sib. Br., 1990 (in Russian); «Biokhimicheskie Indikatory Stressovogo Sostoyaniya Drevesnykh Rastenii» (Biochemical Indicators of Woody Plants’ Stress), Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1997 (in Russian); «Adaptive responses of Scots pine to the impact of adverse abiotic factors on the rhizosphere» In «Rus. J. Ecol.», 2009; «Biokhimicheskaya Adaptasciya Khvoinykh k Stressovym Usloviyam Sibiri» (Biochemical Adaptation of Conifers to Stressful Conditions of Siberia), Novosibirsk, Acad. Publ. House «Geo», 2012 (in Russian with English title and summary); «Response of the antioxidant system of light-demanding and shade-bearing pine species to phytocenotic stress» In «Contempor. Probl. Ecol.», 2013; «Effect of defoliation on the growth and metabolism of Scots pine» In «Contempor. Probl. Ecol.», 2015; «Vozdeistvie nizovykh pozarov na ziznesposobnost i antioksidantnuyu zaschitu molodnyakov sosny obyknovennoi v Krasnoyarskoi lesostepi» (The effect of ground fires on resilience and antioxidant activity of young stands of Scots pine in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe) In «Lesovedenie» (Rus. J. For. Sci.), 2015 (in Russian with English abstract).
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Total citations – 432; Hirsh index – 7.