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Tikhova Galina Petrovna

Tikhova Galina Petrovna

Tikhova Galina Petrovna, born 5 November, 1960. Graduated from Petrozavodsk State University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (at the present time – Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies) with a specialty in Mathematics (1984). Leading mathematician for the Laboratory for Physiology and Cytology of Woody Plants at Forest Research Institute, Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Associate for the Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology at the Institute of High Biomedical Technologies of Petrozavodsk State University. Expert in biomedical data processing and mathematical modeling in biology and medicine. Author and co-author of more than 30 papers. Some of them: «Исследование динамики водного потенциала растений Betula pendula Roth с помощью косинор-анализа» (Study of the water potential dynamics in Betula pendula Roth trees using cosinor-analysis) In «Printsipy Ekologii» (Principles of the Ecology), 2015 (in Russian with English abstract); «Graphical portrait of meta-analysis results» In «Regionarnaya Anesteziya i Lechenie Ostroy Boli» (Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management), 2013 (in Russian with English abstract); «Analysis of ESPEN guidelines on aminoacids and energy needs estimation in neonates» In «European Journal of Anesthesia», 2010.


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