Ayan Sezgin
![Ayan Sezgin Ayan Sezgin](/upload/resize_cache/iblock/dd2/240_300_0/dd2337659438d097018986e3e6e5d066.jpg)
Ayan Sezgin, born 10 April, 1970 in the town of Çaykara, Trabzon Province, Turkey. Graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Forestry Faculty, with a specialty in Forestry, in the city of Trabzon, Turkey (1988). MSc. in Silviculture and Afforestation (1990), PhD in Silviculture (1999). Worked for 9 years at state forest nursery and Eastern Black Sea Forestry Research Institute in the city of Trabzon, Turkey as Chief and Head of Tree Improvement Department. In 2000, appointed as Assistant Prof. Dr. at Gazi University, Forestry Faculty, in the city of Ankara, Turkey. After 2006, appointed as Associate Prof., Dr. at Faculty of Forestry, Kastamonu University. In 2011 appointed as Professor, Dr. Erasmus Institutional Coordinator for Kastamonu University (2007-2012), Head of Forest Engineering Department, Vice-Dean for the Faculty of Forestry, Kastamonu University (2003-2012), currently Professor in Silviculture, Forest Engineering Department, Faculty of Forestry, Vice-Rector for Kastamonu University, in the city of Kastamonu, Turkey. The founder and Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Faculty of Forestry, Kastamonu University (2001-2015). Member of editorial and advisory board for several international peer-reviewed scientific journals: «Forestry Ideas. An International Journal», Sofia, Bulgaria; «SEEFOR» (South-East European Forestry), Croatia; «Anatolian Journal of Forest Research»,Çankırı,Turkey; «Journal Forest of Engineering», Ankara, Turkey; «Siberian Journal of Forest Science», Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Organized and coordinated several international meetings such as: 14th IUFRO Fir Symp. in Kastamonu, Turkey, 2012; 10th IUFRO Beech Symp. in Kastamonu, Turkey, 2015; International Scientific Forum on Rehabilitation and Restoration of Degraded Forests in Astana, Kazakhstan, 2015. PI and Co-PI for 18 national and international scientific projects. Author and co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. Some of them: «Growth responses of Scots pine seedlings grown in peat-based media amended with natural zeolite» In «J. Environ. Biol.», 2006; «Growth variation of Paulownia Sieb. and Zucc. species and origins at the nursery stage in Kastamonu, Turkey» In «J. Environ. Biol.», 2006; «Growth сharacters and number of strobili in clonal seed orchards of Alnus glutinosa subsp. barbata (C. A. Mey.) Yalt.)» In «Euphytica», 2006; «The vegetative propagation possibilities by soft stem cutting of black alder (subsp. (C. A. Mey.) Yalt.)» In «Pak. J. Biol. Sci.», 2006; «Review of the fast growing forest tree species in Turkey» «The Bulletin CIDEU», 2006; «Morphological attributes of oriental spruce (Picea oeientalis (L.) Link.) seedlings grown in peat-based media amended with natural zeolite» In «Acta Agronomica Hungarica», 2007; «Evaluation of seed production of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) clonal seed orchard with cone analysis method» In «Afr. J. Biotech.», 2008; «Clonal variation in growth, flowering and cone production in a seed orchard of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Turkey» In «Afr. J. Biotech.», 2009; «Genetic diversity among populations in Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seed stands of Western Black Sea Region in Turkey» In «Afr. J. Biotech.», 2010; «Variation in cone and seed characteristics in a clonal seed orchard of Anatolian black pine (Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe)» In «J. Environ. Biol.», 2010; «Relationship between seed germination and catalase enzyme activity of from Turkey», «J. For. Faculty Kastamonu Univ.», 2012; «The occurrence of heart rot on Abies nordmanniana subsp.bornmülleriana Mattf. trees in relation to altitude» In «J. For. Faculty Kastamonu Univ.», 2012; «Utilization of biotechnology on some forest trees in Turkey» «SEEFOR», 2014; «Honey forests as an example of agroforestry practices in Turkey» In«Forestry Ideas. 2014. V. 20. N. 2», 2014; «Management alternatives in national park areas: The case of Ilgaz Mountain National Park» In «Eco-Mont. J. Protected Mountain Areas Res.», 2015; «Morphological and taxonomic investigations on a local endemic species: Allium ilgazenze N. Özhatay» In «Austral. J. Crop Sci.», 2015; «The effects of exposure, elevation and tree age on seed characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky.» In «SEEFOR», 2015.
E-mail: sezginayan@gmail.com
Papers in Scopus – 15
Total Scopus citations – 76; Scopus Hirsh index – 5.
Papers in Web of Science Core Collection – 9
Total Web of Science Core Collection citations – 49;
Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh index – 5.