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Man'ko Yuri Ivanovich

Man'ko Yuri Ivanovich

Man'ko Yuri Ivanovich, born 25 November, 1931 in the city of Borisoglebsk, Voronezh OblastSoviet Union (since 1992 – Russia), deceased 19 February 2021 in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia. Graduated from the Siberian Institute of Forest Technology (SibIFT) (in 1997 SibIFT renaimed to Sib. St. Univ. Technol. (SibSUT), in 2016 SibSUT affiliated to Reshetnev Sib. St. Univ. Sci. Technol.), Faculty of Forestry, with a specialty in Forestry, qualification Engineer of Forestry, in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Soviet Union (1955). Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD, 1962), Senior Research Scientist (1966) in Forest Science, Doctor of Biological Sciences (1986), Professor (1992) in Botany. PhD thesis: "Estestvennoe Vozobnovlenie Pikhtovo-Elovykh Lesov Severnoy Poloviny Sikhote-Alinya i Nekotorye Voprosy ikh Stroeniya i Razvitiya" (Natural Regeneration of Fir-Spruce Forests of the Northern Part of Sikhote-Alin and Some Questions of Their Structure and Development), Vladivostok, V. L. Komarov Far Eastern Branch of the Sib. Br. USSR Acad. Sci., 1962 (in Russian). DSc thesis: "El' Ayanskaya (Rasprostranenie, Biologiya, Klassifikatsiya Tipov Lesa, Osobennosti Vozrastnogo Stroeniya i Dinamiki Fitotsenozov" (Ayan Spruce (Distribution, Biology, Classification of Forest Types, Features of Age Structure and Dynamics of Phytocoenoses)), Novosibirsk, Central Sib. Bot. Garden USSR Acad. Sci., Sib. Br. (since 1992 – Central Sib. Bot. Garden, Rus. Acad. Sci., Sib. Br.,), 1985 (in Russian). Chief Research Scientist for the Forestry SectorFederal Scientific Center oп the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Rus. Acad. Sci.Far-East. Br., in the city of VladivostokPrimorsky Krai, Russia, the Honored Forester of the Russian Federation. Head for Primorky Branch of the Russian Botanical Society, the Honorable member of the Russian Botanical Society. Expert in forest ecology and biology, forest ecosystem classification and environmental management. Author and co-author of more than 300 papers, including 11 books. Some of them: "El' Ayanskaya" (Ayan Spruce), Leningrad, Nauka. Leningrad Br., 1987 (in Russian with English summary and contents); "Vliyanie Vulkanizma na Rastitel'nost' (The Impact of Volcanism on Vegetation), Vladivostok, Publ. House Far East Br., USSR Acad. Sci., 1989 (in Russian with English summary and contents); "Usykhanie Eli v Svete Global'nogo Ukhudsheniya Temnokhvoynykh Lesov" (Spruce Mortality in the Light of the Global Decline of Dark Coniferous Forests", Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2001 (in Russian with English summary and contents); "Lesnoe Delo na Rossiyskom Dal'nem Vostoke (1859-1922)" (The History of Forestry in the Russian Far East (1859-1922)), Vladivostok, Dalnauka, 2011 (in Russian with English summary and contents); "Pikhtovye Lesa Rossii" (Fir Forests of Russia), MoscowKMK Publ. House, 2012 (in Russian with English summary and contents).


Papers in (Rus. Sci. Cit. Index) – 109

Total Citations – 1126; Hirsch Index – 9 

Papers in Scopus 4

Total Scopus Citations – ...; Scopus Hirsh Index – ...

Papers in Web of Science Core Collection 5

Total Web of Science Core Collection Citations ...

Web of Science Core Collection Hirsh Index ...

Мan'ko Yuri Ivanovich — Wikipedia (in Russian)

Pamyati Vydayushchegosya Dal'nevostochnogo Uchenogo-Lesoveda Yuriya Ivanovicha Man'ko (In Memory of Prominent Far East Forest Scientist Yury Ivanovich Man'ko)

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