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Nechaev Anatoliy Andreevich

Nechaev Anatoliy Andreevich, born 14 October, 1945. Graduated from Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute (at present time – Pedagogical Institute of the Pacific National University), Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, with a specialty in Chemistry and Biology (1971), PhD course on Botany at the Central Siberian Botanical Garden Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch (2000) in the city of Novosibirsk (1979). Candidate of Biological Sciences ((PhD) in Biological Resources and Botany (2007). PhD thesis: «Brusnichniki Khabarovskogo Kraya (Prirodnye Osobennosti Razvitiya, Produktivnost’, Rascionalnoe Osvoenie)» (Red Bilberries in Khabarovsk Territory (Natural Features of Evolution, Productivity, Rational Development)). Leading Research Scientist for the Department of Forestry at Far East Forestry Research Institute in the city of Khabarovsk (since 2011). Specialist in forestry, forest ecology, botanical resource management. PI and Co-PI for the research projects concerning study nontimber forest resources, wild berry and medicinal plants of the Russian Far East. Author and co-author of more than 230 papers and 6 monographs, 35 peer-reviewed articles, 14 articles in the international publications (Czechoslovakia, Finland, USA, Belarus, Republic of Korea). Some of them: «Krasnaya Kniga Khabarovskogo Kraya» (Red Book of the Khabarovsky Krai), Khabarovsk, 1999, 2000, 2008 (in Russian with English summary and contents); «Far-Eastern Medicinal Plants – Our Doctor», Khabarovsk, 2004 (in Russian with English summary and contents); «The Plants of the Russian Red Book in the Сollections of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums», Moscow, Tula, 2005 (in Russian); «Genofond Rastenii Krasnoi Knigi Rossiiskoi Federascii, Sokhranyaemyi v Kolleksciyakh Botanicheskikh Sadov i Dendrariev» (Genofond of Plants from the Red Book of the Russian Federation, Сonserved in the Сollections of the Botanical Gardens and Arboretums), Moscow, 2012 (in Russian).


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Total citations – 140; Hirsch index – 4. 

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