Çalışkan H., Birben Ü., Özden S. Forest in Comparative Law: Germany, People's Republic of China, Canada, Nigeria, and Türkiye
1 Cankiri Karatekin University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science
15 Temmuz Şehitleri Blv, No. 10, Yeni Mahalle, Çankiri, 18200 Turkey
2 Cankiri Karatekin University, Faculty of Forestry
Bademlik Cd., No. 8, Yeni Mahalle, Çankiri, 18200 Turkey
E-mail: hcaliskanphd@gmail.com, birben@karatekin.edu.tr, sozden26@gmail.com
UDC 630*9
How to cite: Çalışkan H.1, Birben Ü.2, Özden S.2 Forest in comparative law: Germany, People's Republic of China, Canada, Nigeria, and Türkiye // Sibirskij Lesnoj Zurnal (Sib. J. For. Sci.). 2024. N. 2. P. 103–112 (in Russian with English abstract and references).
DOI: 10.15372/SJFS20240211
EDN: …
© Çalışkan H., Birben Ü., Özden S., 2024
Forest governance around the globe has been making positive progress in the sense of resource management in the last decade. However, differences in legal systems and policies cause some difficulties in advancing towards the common goal of forest sustainability. This study is aimed to contribute resources sustainability by comparing forest laws in different legal systems so as to get good governance and practice examples. The legal systems discussed have been determined as Romano-Germanic (Civilian), Anglo-Saxon, Islamic, and Socialist law. To represent these legal systems Germany, Canada, Nigeria, the People's Republic of China, and Türkiye have been selected. Forest laws of those countries examined and discussed for definition of forest, ownership types, and protection. It has been concluded different legal systems has an important effect on forest perception and the spatial area of forests. The sustainability approach in the Chinese Forest Law has more positive effects on the forest when compared to other laws. That kind of perception of forest law may lead better forest governance and could be the best example for the rest of the world.
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